IPSC Shotgun Stage


There is a club in this area that has a pretty active IPSC pistol league. They have been adding a rifle stage for the last year or so, and that has been a lot of fun, so I am kind of wondering about adding a shotgun stage. I have found some stage descriptions on the web, but I have been playing around, designing my own. There are waaaay too many options, so I am looking for opinions.

1.Are moving/falling/opening targets a real plus? I like the idea, but what do you think? That is, hit the first
target to reveal the second, etc. Silly gimmick, or adds to the fun?

2.I am thinking about giving the shooter a choice between
running a short distance to get a clear shot OR loading a slug and shooting a narrow path between no-shoots.

3.How many shots minimum? I was thinking about 10.

Thanks for any tips, opinions, or ideas.
Did a shotgun steel challenge shoot last Saturday. 5 events, 5 targets per event, each event fired 5 times with the worse time tossed out. All targets were steel and had to be tipped over!!
All stages had a rectangular steel 'stop plate' that had to be shot last (30 second penalty if shot out of sequence).
One stage had 'hidden target'. Had to shot target in front to get to second target, which hid stop plate.
Had tremendous amount of fun!!
I like the idea of making the shooter think. Give them a choice and see how each person approaches the event.
All I can tell you is to be creative and have fun.
Here are a few rules of thumb I use when setting up a shotgun course of fire.

It's not a good idea to have shot and slugs in the same course of fire if there is a chance a shooter could shoot a slug at a piece of steel.

Round count for a stage will depend upon the type of shooters you expect to shoot the stage. If they are experienced competitive shooters they will most likely have the shell carriers and speed loaders to shoot a 15-20 round stage. If not, keep the round count around 8-10.

Don't have more than 5 shots from any shooting position and allow enough distance between positions to reload. Otherwise, it will suck for the guys with the 4 and 5 round pump shotguns.

There are two things that seperate the men from the boys in shooting a shotgun stage. How fast you can reload the shotgun and how well you can shoot slugs (and multiple slugs) at a target.