IPSC hand-held timers

Pond James Pond

New member
Where can one get these and what are the reputable models and brands?

I mean ones that can take a knock or two, will shrug off a bit of rain etc...

I'd like to know what they go for but finding a place that sells them is not so easy: I keep getting the same site in The Netherlands coming up, but there must be others in Europe...

This will help refine my search.
PACT is the industry standard brand.
CED is gaining fast because their model 7000 is very small and has a 10 string memory which is convenient for practice. You can shoot the same exercise repeatedly and review for improvement... or consistency.
Competition Electronics timers are also in wide use in the USA. I use one of their chronographs and like it.

You can get a timer app for a smartphone but I would not rely on it for serious use. Maybe something to see how much a real timer would help you.
My club has more than a dozen of these:
Some of them are ten or more years old, and they have rarely broken in a way that was irreparable. In fact, I think the only reason we've ever had to buy new ones is due to theft. They are very intuitive in their operation, something that can't be claimed of all timers, and training people in their basic use consists of, "Here's the ON button, and there's the GO button."
I'm totally old school. If it's got more than two modes (Regular and PAR), is not yellow, and doesn't say "Speed-Timer 3000" on the front of it, I wouldn't trust it for real-life range use :p

R-U Ready rules for durability. Mine has been dropped in muddy puddles, stepped on, thrown many times (don't ask), left in hot sun on the car dash, suffered rain, snow, freezing temps down to -30 C, and it just keeps on ticking.
Are there online shops that sell these?

Shipping from the States may be a cost but I'm willing to bet that, despite that, it'd cost me less buying from there.

Over here they are retailing, online, for about €200, so about $250 or so.
I EXPECT them to be ruined if I drop them onto a hard surface.

A shot timer is something held by a buddy above his head (often with sweaty, oily hands) while he runs behind you while you shoot targets on a gun range. It will be subjected to blowing sand, freezing temperatures, hot sun, smoke, dirty/oily fingers, and pouring rain. EXPECT them to be dropped on a hard surface eventually.

They aren't used the same way that electronic gadgets like iPods and lap tops are used. So the #1 factor in selecting a shot timer (apart from the fact it should of course work) is durability and thus reliability.
why hold it overhead? I've never had to do that

Not always "overhead" but definitely held out there with extension and definitely at or above chest level. It's because if the RO can't keep up with the shooter because of an unexpected fast movement, the following shots are more likely to be registered than if the RO was carrying the shot timer on his belt. We learn this in our IPSC RO course. Watch the following video of the various ROs following Eric Grauffel in Greece at the last world shoot:


This RO technique would probably be even more important for .22 AR conversions, unless of course your shot timer is set for airsoft sensitivity. But then you better pray that the shooter in the next bay is shooting airsoft too ;)

It's just not realistic to think that a shot timer will face the same level of "non-abuse" as an iPod or Laptop or LCD TV. Therefor it must be made to a higher standard of durability than consumer electronics meant for less demanding environments and applications.

Aside from that, I just noticed which timer was being used in the Eric World Shoot video :D
fat ass RO can't even keep up, without shooting?

Wow yeah, that guy certainly was fat.

Anyway, I can assure you that my ass is not fat, and I consider myself fairly fast on my feet in this sport. However I'd likely have great difficulty keeping up with Eric Grauffel even if he was doing exactly what I expected. It would be a thrill to try though! :D

Anyway, it's pretty obvious that you don't think you need the durability of a dedicated shot timer. Perhaps the iPhone shot timer app would suit your needs instead? For the rest of us...
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Just had a look at some of these R.U.Ready products.

I should point out that I'd be using this for my own training purposes, rather than anything else. My club has its own timers and we use those for comps.

For that reason, I'm happy to buy a lower spec, more basic model.

So, I see some of the cheaper models are classified as "no RF".

I'm sure it will be obvious what this is but I can't work it out.

What is that?
Do I need it for training purposes?
Oops you're right James, you don't need the $179.00 RF model. All RF gives you is wireless transmitting to their big score board for official matches, and I'm pretty sure you'll never need that.

The $119.00 USD model would be a better choice.

You may want to read the manuals of all the models in this price range available for online order to see how easy they are to use and whether they have the features you think you'll find useful.