IPSC--- Can someone explain this game


New member
Hello everyone,
Thanks for answering. I am wondering how the scoring is done in IPSC match. I hear speed v.s. accuracy or something like that. Please explain if you have time.
VERY briefly, IPSC is scored as follows:
The target is divided into zones A, B, C, D; scored according to power factor (bullet weight in grains x muzzle velocity in fps, divide by 1000 to get a three digit number; Major is 165+, Minor is 125-164.99)
A = 5 major or minor
B = 4 major, 3 minor
C = 4 major, 3 minor
D = 2 major, 1 minor

You will be scored for some specific number of hits per target, not always the same.

Take the total points on the targets for the stage, less penalties; and divide by the time in seconds. This is your Hit Factor. Say ten targets with two scored hits each, 100 points possible, you got 88 points in 20 seconds for Hit Factor 4.4000.
The best hit factor is awarded the maximum number of points possible. If the best shooter got 95 points in 17 seconds, his Hit Factor is 5.5882 and he gets the 100 Stage Points. You are "graded on the curve" and get 4.4000/5.5882 x 100 = 78.73 Stage Points. Add the Stage Points up for Match Points.

For details read the rule book, chapter 9 and appendix B3
One additional point I might add:
There are penalties for misses (-10 in addition to the 5 possible points you could have scored with a "A" hit).
There are also no-shoot targets that incur the same penalty if you hit one of them.
There are also procedural penalties for not following the course requirements.
Thank you guys,
Very informative. I believe that I now have a handle on it.

One other question:
Alot of guys I shoot with in another discipline seem to feel that IPSC is a spray and pray course of fire, without any need or desire for accuracy. In fact a new comer to my discipline stated that he never had to sight his gun in for 25yd shots, is this true, seems weird. One last thing, I was curious about, this newcomers friend was a supposed IPSC Grand Master and shot in my discipline and only scored in the Classifed class, just under marksman, can this be right? Sorry for the ignorance but I have not got around to shooting an IPSC match yet.
I suppose it is possible. The sport was designed on the principles of Diligentia-Vis-Celeritas. Accuracy, Power, Speed. Unfortunatley many match directors and competitors lose sight of that. Anther key difference in IPSC is that it presents the shooter with a shooting problem and allows them to solve it freestyle within safety limits. Unfortuntely, we sometimes are pulled down to the lowest common denominator and our sport suffers. People design matches that have 30 plus round field courses in them because they are fun. They do not stick to the principles of the sport. A good stage will test the shooters full spectrum of abilities including the ability to think. It should have both near and far targets, easy and hard shots and plenty of no-shoots. As I mentioned, many of the new comers to the sport do not understand the basic principles, thus the sport has morped into something it was never intended to. It is not like that in the rest of the world, most other countries still stick to the principles.

Further, there are many drawbacks to the classification system. I was opposed to it right after it was introduced because it became obvious that it had many flaws that shooters could use to their advantage. I could rant for quite a while about the classification system, but won't. Your friend was not a true Grandmaster based on his statement. A true Grandmaster will tell you that they use their sights. I get .75 first shot "A" hits at 10 m and my time between shots is around .11 and not only do I see the sights, I can call my shots.
"One last thing, I was curious about, this newcomers friend was a supposed IPSC Grand Master and shot in my discipline and only scored in the Classifed class, just under marksman, can this be right? Sorry for the ignorance but I have not got around to shooting an IPSC match yet."

If the "other discipline" was IDPA, then it is very possible that a Grand Master might just make a minimum classification score. I was running a USPSA Master through the IDPA classifier, and before we'd gotten through the first stage (thirty of ninety total rounds), he'd dropped so many points that there was no way he'd make Expert, and perhaps not even Sharpshooter. I've run one USPSA Grand Master and a half-dozen Masters through the IDPA classifier, and none has made IDPA Master on the first try (or second, for that matter). It's a matter of applying the same skills in a different manner, suited to the scoring system.
"Your friend was not a true Grandmaster based on his statement. A true Grandmaster will tell you that they use their sights"


"I've run one USPSA Grand Master and a half-dozen Masters through the IDPA classifier, and none has made IDPA Master on the first try (or second, for that matter). It's a matter of applying the same skills in a different manner, suited to the scoring system"

Can readily believe that.

I haven't been shooting much since before there was an IDPA - sadly -

However, as a former IPSC competitor that has competed in a number of matches and the Nationals - let me say the following -

IPSC is fun - the most fun I've ever had in the shooting sports- it is a _different_ ballgame. There are "running and gunning" courses and a wide variety of shooting problems that up to the shooter to resolve -

Your score divided by your time, so speed is heavily weighted, IMHO. Regardless of your _score_ it's a really fun gun thing to do - if you're having a lot of fun, do you really care if your score is lower than in your "regular" discipline

I personally know one grand master that can shoot open class (optics), iron sights, limited or whatever and hold his own with the masters in any other pistol discipline.

You're going to have people that are better at one discipline, or enjoy another discipline - each to his own.

Don't know about today, but I have often heard other shooters make derogatory comments about IPSC, that were clearly unfounded - and sometimes theses people had little knowledge and had never competed or had done poorly at their first attemps.

Often, a shooter at the _top_ of one event will do poorly _in his initial attempt/s_ at another event. Doesn't mean anyone is better/worse or whatever or one sport is better/worse.

It's all shooting, we're all shooters. _big grin_

I suggest you go to an IPSC match, shoot it- and make up your own mind.

Be prepared to have fun _really big grin_
Thank you guys

Guys I want to thank you for all the comments, they were well informed. By the way the other discipline is Police Pistol Combat (PPC) we do a lot of 50yd shooting about 1/3 of the course of fire. This is what I was thinking that messed up the two new shooters the grandmaster included. But thank you again guys.
50 yard shooting was pretty common in IPSC as well. Particulary in larger matches. You could always count on a set of standard exercises with a couple of strings at 50 yards. Many local clubs do not do this - to the detriment of the shooters. Again, if your friend was a GM he should have done fine.