IPSC Box obsolete?

Mike Davies

New member
After shooting in yet another IPSC Standard Division match, I am more convinced than ever that the IPSC box is obsolete...it was obsolete the moment the first Para-Ordnance showed up at a match. I can think of NO reason why I cannot use a 10 round magazine in my 1911 to compete on level ground with the P-O guys.
OK, OK, ..I know...quit whining and buy a Para-Ord... :confused:
Perhaps the answer is to make the matches a test of shooting ability and not of magazine capacity? :confused:

Well, allowing a 10rnd magazine in a single-stack 1911 would solve the 'problem' in a single stroke. The IPSC box was introduced to make a clear-cut difference between the Open Division, with their optics and compensators, and the Standard Division, which is supposed to be 'out of the box' factory guns. Nearly all the stages at most IPSC matches are 10 round friendly, to suit the Open Division..that was fair enough when most, if not all, the Standard shooters were using single-stack 1911's...now that Para-Ordnance guns with their 10 round double-stack magazines are dominating the Standard Division, it's also become an equipment race..the very thing the IPSC box was supposed to prevent. To maintain it is fractured logic. Now with the introduction of the Production Division, which bans SA autos, IPSC has virtually sounded the death-knell for the original 1911 pistol...
Sorry about it Mike. When the honorable Mr. Cooper formed IPSC and was Executive Dictator, IPSC was maintained as a excercise for people who carried guns in real life.
Once he left, it became a game.
I've shot in "combat" matches before IPSC was invented. Still do. Reloading is not a factor in real life. Skeletonized holsters and drawing from a "taut" position aren't much for real life, either.

The trick is to design the match to test the ability of a person to operate a sidearm quickly and accurately. Firing a 15 round burst may be entertaining, but not germane to self defense.

Bear in mind that I'm Canadian...we don't have IDPA here because we have no need to train for self-defense with a firearm. (Excuse me for a moment...hard to type while I'm laughing so hard..)
Anyway..IPSC's all I've got here to maintain handgun skills..I am very much aware that it's not 'real life', and the spectre of standing out in the open in a fixed position hosing down targets is a bit silly. (I was in the British Army for 10 years, including three tours of N. Ireland).
However, that's the name of the game.
And the game dictates that the guy with a 10 round magazine will outscore the guy with the 8 round magazine, no matter how good the guy with the 8rnd magazine is.
I'm not unhappy with IPSC, far from it...I just have a problem with some of the 'rules', which have become more or less redundant.