iPhone CCW App

Yeah, sort of - but it's reasonably informative if the app is good. Someone want to try it and tell us if it's a nice one. So I'll leave it open.

Usually we get excited on drive-bys that are posts of some article on an outrage or political rant without comment.
The app has summary pages for the basic laws for each sate and which states CCW permits it accepts and one on transportation in general. The summaries are shorter than that on the NRA gun law site. A little more convenient than the NRA site. I guess if you are driving state-to-state it may be a bit handier than going to the NRA site, especially when you are in a AT&T low signal area.

Not a substitue for the State Gun Laws books, but then at $1.99 it is cheaper.


I'm using it, found it useful, and thought I'd share with the community.

This forum is really starting to **** me off.. The general attitude here is just pissy, and I'm about tired of it...
Yeah, a cut & paste drive by.

Just to familiarize you with the rules (quoting pertinent sections):

"A few words on cut-n-paste threads/posts and drive-by threads/posts in general.

What's the definition of a drive-by post?
One that is devoid of substance ("+1" anyone?).
One that attempts to advance an agenda without intelligent back-up.
One that has no intelligent content.

What's the definition of a cut-n-paste post?

One that contains a link and little or no commentary on the link.

One that contains an article (cut-n-pasted) and little or no commentary on the article.
One that contains both a link and an article, but has little or no commentary.
The above applies equally to individual posts within a thread, or to the starting post of a thread itself.

When all you do is to cut-n-paste an article or drop a link, you leave it up to those that post any thoughts as to what direction the thread takes or what you meant by the post. Each person will necessarily have a different take on what they think the thread/post is about.

The Opening/Originating Post (OP) should contain some kind of description of what the link is about and should also contain some opinion by the OP in order to start a discussion in a specific direction. Likewise, an article should also contain some commentary, in order to direct the discussion to the points the OP wishes to discuss...."

As noted previously, you've already been given dispensation.

However, it would have been very nice for you to have included a bit of information on the app., of the kind that Wally provided.

Would that have been so difficult or time consuming?
Iphone App

Just got a link to this forum sent to me and was pleased to see a discussion about my app already in progress. We put out the app with the hope that, with the help of forums like this, we might be able to turn it into a really useful resource. We launched it as a "bare bones" app. We've been getting a lot of helpful feedback and corrections and we've actually got two attorneys overhauling all of the states laws and verifying and citing each and every law for each and every state. The overhaul will be completed by January and should be available (as a free update) by the first or second week next month. Also, we've got a lot of other improvements that we're developing right now that will make it a lot more useful.
We put this app out because we are a group of NRA instructors (ccw instructors) who got tired of trying to stay up to date will all the laws and changes. We figured with an app that is this widely published we will (and have already) receive enough feedback about the various states that we can make a very reliable and helpful resource.
Anyways, sorry about the long rant but I just wanted to thank your interest in the app and look forward to any comments and suggestions you might have.

Oh, and an update is coming out next week to reflect a couple material errors we became aware of for 5 states. The "real" update will still be in January.


I don't think you should share judgements until you pass the 500 post mark.

Speaking as someone who seems to get a majority of the threads he participates in locked :p, the Mods do let debate and idea exchanging go for as long as they can
Just got a link to this forum sent to me and was pleased to see a discussion about my app already in progress. We put out the app with the hope that, with the help of forums like this, we might be able to turn it into a really useful resource. We launched it as a "bare bones" app. We've been getting a lot of helpful feedback and corrections and we've actually got two attorneys overhauling all of the states laws and verifying and citing each and every law for each and every state. The overhaul will be completed by January and should be available (as a free update) by the first or second week next month. Also, we've got a lot of other improvements that we're developing right now that will make it a lot more useful.
We put this app out because we are a group of NRA instructors (ccw instructors) who got tired of trying to stay up to date will all the laws and changes. We figured with an app that is this widely published we will (and have already) receive enough feedback about the various states that we can make a very reliable and helpful resource.
Anyways, sorry about the long rant but I just wanted to thank your interest in the app and look forward to any comments and suggestions you might have.

Oh, and an update is coming out next week to reflect a couple material errors we became aware of for 5 states. The "real" update will still be in January.



Now that we've gotten the complaining out of the way, we have a very interesting resource at our hands in the form of the software dev.

First, thanks for spreading the word.

Second, is there a particular reason the app is not free? Are the lawyers charging by the hour? :p Don't you think you could support it with relevants ads (such as locale-based shooting ranges, gunbroker, etc etc).

Third, any plans for android? :D

And last, do you have any plans to possibly make this self-sufficient in that you won't have to have a team of lawyers updating it all the time? Like a community driven content database? Or something? 50 states and the federal government is a lot to keep up with at once.
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Have you considered writing this app for the Android Operating system? No ATT for me. They drop calls when I'm driving to and from work. Not a good way to do business call follow ups!

Android phones will surpass the proprietary iPhone crap in the next year or two.
App updates

Great feedback guys, thank you for taking the time. We've made several changes and as soon as all the states are done we'll release an update to the app, hopefully by christmas. The update will greatly improve the readability of the pages and will also cite each and every law to avoid confusion and errors. It will also feature reciprocity and reverse reciprocity maps for each state, which in and of itself I think will be a great resource.
We are looking into releasing it on the droid and blackberry. We want to make sure we have a finished product, and not a work in progress, before we release them, but we're hoping to do it in the next few months if all goes well.
The idea of offering it for free and covering expenses with ad revenue is interesting, I am a simple man, but i'll get in touch with some smarter people and see if we can make that work. thanks again, please let me know of any other ideas or comments.
Ok, this accurately describes half of the statements that my kid makes, no wonder they always end in an argument, LOL. I just didn't realize that drive-by's were taking place in my livingroom on a daily basis :eek:
One that is devoid of substance.
One that attempts to advance an agenda without intelligent back-up.
One that has no intelligent content.
But yeah, this thread kinda looks like a drive-by, whereas the passenger fired the first shot, then the driver stopped to back him up ;)

I clicked on the link & it opened in iTunes (never had that happen before, I was expecting a web page in a browser window). I've never seen a "States friendliness to concealed carry" rated with 1-5 bullets, LOL. It does look like a decent app though, judging by the 4 sample pages that can be accessed prior to purchase. It seems that everyone is offering an app these days, most of them seem pretty useless to me but there are apparently 10's of 1,000's of people willing to spend 2 or 3 bucks so they can keep their ear rings organized on their palm device, LOL. Those fees add up pretty fast. At least this app has some substance and can be useful.