iPhone adaptor for scope


New member
Anyone messed around adapting cameras or iPhones to their scopes? I have and am having great fun with it at the moment. Not only takes photos of your target/s, video, sound and addition of zoom function which with my 3-12x50 seems to almost double the magnification at the loss of a little focus, have mine fitted on my 17hmr virtually zero recoil so video doesn't flinch used varmint busting mostly rabbits foxes and feral cats, and like I said really enjoying it you can watch the footage back and watch the exact point of impact and effect of differing ammo/projectiles was also great when sighting the rifle I could look back at the footage and actually pin point the shots where moved/pulled the trigger off target. Was interested in buying manufactured unit but did not want to commit to something that would just be a one off novelty, so I made my own very, very simple and cheap. I can post how I made it if anyone interested. But fears of a novelty are gone I can't even think of a time in the last 6 months when I've not used it, kids and the wife enjoy watching my antics especially today'[s one round-double bunny head shot, more luck than talent but hey I got the footage to prove it!! On a light recoil rifle I recommend buying or building one great fun!!........Trying to work out how to post video and pics from my iphone, would be entertaining for all if and when I work it out



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Cool stuff indeed

I'd love to know how you mounted it. Would be a great training aid as well. It gets me thinking too...with old spare phones, higher recoil calibers might work as well. Go Pro camera anyone? A quick Google search found products for gopro cams and for phones as well, but I'd like to see a do it yourself version.
Ill start drafting up how I made mine, got lucky with pipe dia. I used but ill write the products and steps I used and post later today
1. Measure your scope o.d. At eye peice hopefully uniform for inch or so
2. Go to hardware/plumbing store purchase PVC pipe as close to o.d. or under not over, only need around 5" but allow at least double. Buy and end cap to suit pipe and your 2/3 way there.
3. Buy a cheap iphone/smart phone case, has to be hard case but only covering sides and rear of phone so it can be taken in and out easily, thousands of options on eBay for next to nothing.
4. Set up rifle, bipod, sled etc. now here's the trickiest part, but still easy enough with patience, get a ruler and hold it in hand with phone on camera setting and hold phone at rear of scope, moving in out up down until reticle fills the screen so the circle of the scope fits neatly in your screen, then make note of that measurement you will need it!
5. Now slide pipe onto scope, mine was slightly undersized so I cut four cuts about 1 1/2" along pipe on each axis top bottom left right and it slid on perfect up until uncut pipe touched scope the it locks on, a hose clamp could be used to secure but I didn't need one, like I said got lucky with dia.
6. Now with pipe on scope, measure back along to the measurement previously taken allowing for the pipe over the scope, and the additional thickness of end cap, cut to size.... I did this three times in the end, what the old saying measure twice cut once???
7. Do not fit cap to pipe Yet,Now using which ever means your familiar and accurate with find and mark dead centre of your end cap, very crucial to get dead Center, now drill a very small hole in centre, like 1mm or less. Insert phone into case/holder turn on camera and using three or more hands or a vise move the camera around until pin hole in cap comes up dead centre of camera screen, hold it steady and mark around case onto cap again as accurate as possible
8. Take out phone from case, apply super glue to area on cap and phone cover to join line up and join, when glue cures gently place phone back in and check for Center.... All good, remove phone, now I drilled 2 small countersunk holes through phone cover to cap and screwed down as extra over glue! Then drill out pin hole to allow full camera function I drill ot to 8mm
9. Virtually done. Phone in case attached to cap, attach cap to pipe but do not glue until all tested, slide onto scope align and hose clamp if needed, if all aligns mark remove then glue cap/pipe. Done
10. You can use normal camera function however for the grand some $1.99 you can down load the IScope app design specifically forthis purpose.
11. Now enjoy, if you don't get it right keep trying I got it perfect on third prototype, your wont regret it lots of fun

Ill post some photos of mine anyhow, have fun!!
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I'm not sure if he made it or bought it, but Ted's rig from "Ted's Holdover" channel on youtube (the young guy who is a bird-sniping mo-sheen) is very very nice, and what I'd like to set up at some point, on some rifle. You can ask him how he did it by posting on his vids - he'll respond.