Iowa Shall Issue, But How ????


New member
Today, attended the first local Gun Show after passing Shall Issue for Iowa. Took the opertunity to speak with a few certified instructors that are providing the required training, as well as our local NRA representative. All were in agreement on this being a good law and long in coming. All share equal amount of confusion on requirements for "Renewals" and "New Applicants", as well as other gray and confusing areas. It would appear that in working for and anticipating consistancy across the state, it's partially happening. The best advice is to work with the local Sherrif's office and see what is the requirement in that county.
Again, it's a good law and the pendullum has swung the other way. ....... ;)

On another note, it was crowded and lots of handgun shoppers. The cheaper handguns were getting the most attention. I was pleasantly surprised at the number of females that were shopping and buying. I had to look around to make sure I was not at the local mall. Also lots of females signing up for upcoming classes. The change is positive and I hope it stays that way. ... :)

Be Safe !!!
Was that show at Cedar Rapids? Son and I were planning to go but got tied up with some mechanical work that didn't go as expected. Due to the constraints of his work schedule and the poor communication of the requirements of the new law, his CCW license expired 12-31 and wasn't renewed. Now, he's out the full process of getting a new license. The conversion from old to new was very poorly planned and carried out. I can't say positively, but it seems that the local law was dragging feet because they didn't like the change and wanted to cause aggravation to the licensees. Some of the county sheriffs were very anti CCW and denied many applications. The previous sheriff in the county where my son lives was quite conservative in allowing CCW and very aggressive in pulling licenses for the most minor reasons. He actually threatened the class that he would pull a license if anyone even called the office about a licensed carrier inadvertently "peeking" his concealed weapon.
Yes Sir this show was in Cedar Rapids and your reply somewhat surprises me. What I found encouraging, were the number of ladies, actively shopping for handguns and their counties will see increased permit requests. Right now and perhaps for many months to come, there is more than enough confusion and bad information going around. To a certain degree, it is understandable. I hope we don't keep having problems in the various counties. As I said before, it's a good law but there are problem areas that the sherrifs have valid concerns about. That is why I tell those who ask, that they have to work with their sherrif's department to see what is required. ..... ;) They still have some control and rightly so. ..... :)

Be Safe !!!
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