Iossoo multipurpose paste to clean/lap barrell?


Leaving on the other side of the pond seems I couldn' find the iosso bore compound anywherewhile while the multipurpose iosso polishing paste (pink one) is ready available. Would you use this one instead of the specific rifle's product? As I know many people, pro gunsmithers too, are using the common paste (iosso for metal, fiberglasss etc etc etc) and me too I have done in the past. But now I care more of y rifles. So I am in gerat wonders. Eventually I clean dry the barrel, go 50-60 stockes very firmly and quiet, then clean with new felters, ending washing everything with, in order, wd40-thrieline and wiping a minimal film of ballistol? Am i wrong in something?
Paste type abrasives are seldome needed at all
It's easy to damage a gun by too much aggressive cleaning when just a couple of patches will do the job
I take it, you're talking about their paste bore cleaner? By reading the description, it doesn't mention an abrasive in it, so I wouldn't use anything other in a bore. The only time abrasives are used in bores is generally on new rifling, to lap it.

"This bio-based formula is made from plant extracts."

Anyhow, you can order it direct from them, but if you're in the UK, etc., I'm not sure how long it would take to get there.