
David Schmidbauer

Retired Screen Name
Well, Though I'd introduce myself. Found the site through a mail list. The current BB I'm on is due to go belly up Oct so I've been checking out others.

Not much to tell about myself. Retired Jarhead Gunny who, by current Military PC standards, is a gun nut. In addition to personal protection (.45 Auto prefered if you please), I've been experimenting with... how shall I say... precision rifle, both modern (.308) and Black Powder (.45-110). Another interest I've been exploring is... again, how shall I say... reduced/eliminated rifle signatures (sound and flash respectively) with my AR. The above keep me fairly buzy when not engaged in child rearing, subsisting off of nature's provides, and, oh... work.

Hopefully it won't take me long to learn the ins & outs of this Board... but if it does, well, you know how Marines are. ;D

Schmit, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201
Si vis Pacem Para Bellum
Welcome aboard, David

Great to have another Leatherneck snipe....I mean precision rifle shooter whose into supres....I mean whatever you called it. You'll fit right in.

I'm not an ex-anything but I shoot regularly with a jarhead. Best damn pistolero I know and gung-ho to this day! He serves as range safety officer and his favorite reminder phrase is (while invading your personal space) "I SAID CHOKE YOURSELF, SHOOTER - OR YOU'LL BE EXCUSED FROM MY BELOVED RANGE!!!"

Sound familiar?

Welcome Gunny..

Look forward to your contributions and expertise

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Welcome, Gunny!
Retired Airedale here. To fulfill a prior commitment, let me say, "Thanks for being a Marine!"
Looking forward to yet another gun & tactics expert on TFL - you WILL get questions.

David, welcome to TFL, and thank you for your service. I used to train / lift weights with a Marine friend - he taught me there are no "ex" Marines. ;) Glad to have another expert on TFL I can pepper with questions. ;)
Another Jarhead on deck!
Hi Gunny!
I'm an Ex Army Sgt and a fmr Marine Cpl/2111.
Glad to have you aboard.
BTW your name is familiar. Were you around Camp Pendleton 88 to 90?

Smoking lamp is lit, head's aft. Make yourself at home.

Your mind is your primary weapon.

[This message has been edited by Ken Cook (edited March 12, 1999).]
Wecome David, if you have trouble with the board just pull it apart, reassemble under a minute, slip a 'dom over it & you'll be allright ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
A couple things....

First - EVERYONE calls me Schmit. I just figured that being an international forum I'd put my given name.

Second - I have never been, nor am I now an "Expert" (except qualifying in the Corps (which is a joke in and of itself) as such with a rifle & pistol, and given a little badge that designates such). I do have some opinions on different firearm subjects which I'm more then willing to share.

To Ken - Yep I was there then. Asssigned to 1/9 at Horno. Might you have heard bad things about me?

Schmit, GySg, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"