Introduced some antis to shooting


They were against guns and admited they were only against guns because they haven't been around them. My cousin (pink) is from Chicago, and her friend is from France. I did a solid hour pre safety lesson including grip, stance, how the gun works ext.

Now the best part is I started them on suppressed 22 to take the muzzle blast out of the equation. THEY ARE HOOKED! :D After a mag each they couldn't put the guns down. Now they want to shoot every week and have me teach them.

Just goes to show that most antis are only against guns becasue of how they were brought up or what they learn from the media/movies. Good times.
My ole lady was too! Now she has her own shotgun, and wants a handgun. She goes out shooting with me almost all the time.
So I'm to blame that I never get any alone time time shooting!:p
I think that's very true, that they have a fear or lack of understanding about guns, and if they can get over that, they become not necessarily gun nuts, but at least tolerant of guns, or maybe gun owner/shooters.

I would not call them anti. It is just that you washed away some anti-gun propaganda with some truth.

The smart ones shuck the programming faster. Especially with a good instructor. :D
Most people who have no real knowledge or understanding of firearms are afraid of firearms. In fact that's what most "antis" are - just people who are ignorant about firearms. What I've realized is that once properly educated and exposed to firearms they realize they actually LIKE firearms.

At least that's what I've found from the handful of "antis" that I've converted.

Good job bringing two more people to the light. Now get out there and find more to bring over! :D

Just a note my "anti" sister-in-law now has her CCW license and is going to be carrying... all in the course of 1 year's time from being a complete "Guns are bad and shouldn't exist!" to being a licensed CCW and is out shopping for her EDC gun this weekend.
Thats great!

Most fear stems from being something a person does not fully understand.

I think everyone should have at least a basic understanding of how to operate a firearm, and to be able to use one safely.

I have been pretty impressed with how quickly some of my friends that have never shot a gun were able to act on my instructions and be able to put bullets on target very quickly. A little bit of instruction and 10 rounds later a couple of them were shooting 1 inch groups from 75 yards.
An old firearms instructor once said that 10% of Americans are pro gun and 10% are solid antis. The 80% in the middle have no experience with firearms and those are the ones we should try to get into the fold. It sounds reasonable to me.
One of our Supreme Court Justices, Antonio Scalia is of the same opinion that if we introduce the anti's to our sport in a responsible manner, they will become supporters.

Justice Scalia took Justice Sodameyer hunting. Hopefully, she had a good experience and may eventually move to support 2A rights.

Good job.
Let's not delude ourselves about the SCOTUS judges. They will still have as many expensive shotguns as they want, even after they rule against the 2nd Amendment for the rest of us.
good on you for doing that. that's two less that will sign a petition for firearms banning/control thanks to you.

well done
My Mom was VEHEMENTLY anti-gun for many years, somewhat surprising since her parents both carried and used firearms frequently. She didn't have a problem with Dad and I owning or using ours, but she simply refused to have anything to do with us when we did.
About two years ago, we took our various .22s on a camping trip and were having a blast plinking away. Mom was apparently bored and came down to watch us. An hour later, she asked us to show her how to shoot, so we started her out with a Remington 514, then my Wifama, then a Glenfield 60, then a 10/ she has her "own" Glenfield with a 4x20 pencil scope that she drops starlings with, and has been bugging me to let her "play" with my Garand.
That's the way it works. Education.

"Justice Elena Kagan likes to go hunting with Scalia. "

I would like to see the two of them get Obama out there for the hunt in Wyoming. Some of the Dems would have a fit about it, but Obama likes sports, so ...