Into the abyss


Staff Alumnus
As I write this, it’s 24 hours until the turn of the century. We’ve been preparing for, wondering about, and anticipating this event for years, and now it’s on our doorstep.

I’m by turns frightened and exasperated. I’m frightened because no one knows, or indeed can know, what will happen. If the recurring nightmares I’ve had over the last two months are an indication, this could be the biggest turdball in the history of the world. We know what happens when people get worked up, and we know what the JBTs do when the people get worked up. The worst part is, if s*** goes down, we’ll be the ones caught in the middle. Us, who just want to be left alone.

The waiting is the worst part. That, and declining invitations to parties because I’ll be pulling security at the shop tomorrow night (the local fuzz have advised FFLs to be on high alert for looters, and Sue asked if she could count on me. She can).

Do I want the fecal matter to impact upon the oscillating ventilator? Hell no. I like peace and quiet, and I detest noise and needless violence. Do I expect it? Honestly, yes. I’ve studied human nature too long and too deeply to think this will just blow over.

If nothing happens -- if there’s no more than usual NYE rumpus -- great. I’ll breathe a huge sigh of relief, turn my attention to more pleasant things, and pay off the bet that I made with a coworker ($10 says King William suspends the Constitution due to civil disturbance).

But having seen LA and Seattle, and having read about Manhattan during the power failure, I think it’s gonna be nasty. Nasty in ways none of us are prepared to accept, including me.

I’ll be offline until 2 January 2000. Here’s hoping I’ll be back online then. Luck to all, and may your god preserve and protect you.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Coinneach - I think we will be okay...
But Keep your powder dry, just in case, my friend.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud