interstate travel


New member
im going to be moving by my self from Indiana to Arizona. And, I need to ask if any one knows that if i have my concealed carry permit here in Indiana. If it would be legal to travel with it on me till I get there to get my stuff there?
Looks like Blues man gave you the right info. Personally, I would just stick it under the seat and go. If you are not comfortable w/ that then don't. Read up on what is legal transportation via the links or state websites.
"Traveler's Guide to the Firearms Laws of the Fifty States" is the best pamphlet there is and you can carry it with you (title sez it all). Covers each state, reciprocity, etc., etc., and is updated every year. I buy one every year to keep current. Written by a shyster, it costs around $13.00 and is available from "Traveler's Guide, P.O. Box 2156, Covington, KY 41012, or from

I travel a lot and I sometimes have to stop at a state line, unload, lock in the sidecase, and hold my breath until I cross into a civilized state. The Guide could save you some aggravation.
Don't need a permit for concealed within your car, truck , motor home in New Mexico! Just drive through and all will be well. If you step out to purchase gas your in the wrong! If concealed on your person :D If in the vehicle your ok. Open Carry is swell!

New Mexico recognizes concealed carry permits issued by 20 other states: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming.[59]

Even with a concealed carry permit, it is not legal to carry a firearm into a federal building, state building, school, or licensed liquor establishment.

New Mexico law allows open carry, that is, it is legal to carry a loaded weapon that is not concealed. It is also legal to have a loaded, concealed weapon in a vehicle.[60] :eek: :D

To travel in New Mexico you don't need not Stinking Permit! Just Carry open if you leave your truck.
For IL it has to be unloaded and in a case. The ammo can be in the same case as the gun but no ammo can be in the gun.
You really don't want to risk getting stopped with a loaded gun in your car. It could be a felony and a felony means you lose your right to possess any gun in the future no matter where you move to. Just not worth the risk.
a gun under the seat is considered concealed, even in a holster. when in doubt. Put it in the trunk. and bullets in the glove box or the back seat when traveling. I know what's the point , but if you don't want to get hasseled. That's the best way.

You might want to read up on FOPA. "Bullets" in the glove box or back seat while travelling is not in accordance with FOPA and in some states can get you a felony conviction. According to FOPA, both the gun and the ammo must be seperated from the driver - the gun and ammo do not have to seperated from each other - only the gun must be unloaded.

TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 44 > § 926A.
Interstate transportation of firearms

Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof, any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, That in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver’s compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console.
ok so what states do i have to worry about haveing it out of a case? and what ones do i need to open carry and concelled carry? I do have a cc permit from the state of indiana.
Illinois, you must abide by FOPA:

MO, OK, TX - your concealed carry permit is good, just be careful not to enter any prohibited areas according to their state laws.

New Mexico - as stated below - open carry.

Arizona - honors you permit, but also allows open carry.

Also, I can't speak for the other states, but OK does NOT allow open carry at all - if your weapon shows it is illegal, even with a CCL.
Nope - if you're going to travel by FOPA, they just both have to be seperated from the driver. Some people will say, Well in my state, if you get caught with a loaded magazine, you're going to jail... if I were going to travel interstate using FOPA, I would just put a copy of the law either on the gun in the trunk or on the gun case and keep the loaded magazines with the gun, just not in the gun!

Of course, it is well known NY does not honor FOPA at all, but I believe a completely respectable person would have no reason for a police officer during a traffic stop to even have any reason to see and/or inspect the guns in the first place.
true i dont see why they would look through my car in the first place. but i just dont wanna chance it. im thankfull for all the help and if there is any thing els i should know about travleing wit fire arms. i would like to know cause i will also have a rifle in the car its a full size m91/30 but it will be unloaded.
it is common practice here. For law inforcement to ask you first do you have any weapons in the car, then ask you for your drivers licence and registration

I would keep the rifle locked in the trunk or if no trunk locked in a case.

I would answer "do you have weapons" either with, yes, it is not loaded and locked in the trunk/case, or yes, here is my CCL. That's strange, I've never been personally asked about weapons.
i have been pulled over sevral times (led foot lol):rolleyes: and have never been asked about a weapon. i guess that may depind on your state?