Interstate Transport...

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In September I plan on going to New Jersey for a short vacation with some friends. In order to do so I will need to travel through Massachusettes and I would like to bring my handgun with me (too many episodes of the Sopranos?)

In any case, my limited understanding of mass. laws suggest that to even have a firearm in my vehicle disassembeled, with a cemented barrel, no ammunition and safely ensconced behind three feet of plate steel welded shut, I would still be in violation of Mass. law and subject to disciplinary action up to and including public flogging.

What I would like to know is if there is anyone who can explain to me the ins/outs of this issue so I can decide whether it would be better to swim to NJ instead...

W. Perkins
Check out this site...their trip planner (thirs map down on the right) link is great.

MA and NJ are both notorious for being anti-firearm, so be very careful! And by that I mean just because you follow the federal laws in regards to transport, that does not mean that some trooper with a bad day or who is just a hater will not haul you in...

Oh, and are you even permitted to have a handgun in New Jersey? I don't believe they honor Maine permits...

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Hahahahahahahahaha, you're going to New Jersey and are worried about passing through Mass. MA politicians are amateur anti-gunners when compared to those in Jersey. You can't even touch a BB gun there without a NJ FOID card and forget about carrying it around. I understand that the guest accomodations at Rahway State are abysmal.
Something else I didn't know

Thanks for the replies. In all truth, I did not know this about NJ. I am actually not planning on CC, since I won't have a permit for it. I did consider the idea of having the gun with me where I was staying however. Guess I should just drop the whole idea...Expletive, expletive, expletive!!!

Clearly very limited understanding.

In any case, my limited understanding of mass. laws suggest that to even have a firearm in my vehicle disassembeled, with a cemented barrel, no ammunition and safely ensconced behind three feet of plate steel welded shut, I would still be in violation of Mass. law and subject to disciplinary action up to and including public flogging.

Its clear from your remarks that you know NOTHING about Mass gun laws. Did you actually spend more than a minute doing any research? Next time ask people that actually KNOW the law instead of relaying on someone else "educated guess". The rule is non residents may travel through the state, not staying over night, with firearms securely locked and separate from the ammo.

This question has been answered many times on this site by knowledgeable people who actually know the laws in this state.
Gee, Thanks

Dear Mr. Arabia,

Let's take it from the top...

Its clear from your remarks that you know NOTHING about Mass gun laws.

Thank you for pointing that out, for a minute I was afraid nobody could figure that out on their own especially after using the term "Limited understanding"...

Did you actually spend more than a minute doing any research?

In point of fact, I had done little research and with the help of some other more congenial members I found the information I needed. It is funny to think that there are people out there that might know more about this subject than me...but then again, I do have a limited understanding...

Next time ask people that actually KNOW the law instead of relaying on someone else "educated guess".

Hmmm, I believe that is what I was attempting to do by posting my question here...

The rule is non residents may travel through the state, not staying over night, with firearms securely locked and separate from the ammo.

Sweet, I recognize this as the only part of your response to my question that is in the least bit helpful or courteous...

This question has been answered many times on this site by knowledgeable people who actually know the laws in this state.

REALLY!!!!! HOLY COW!!!!! Perhaps that's why I came here to ask my question...Thanks for the information, the rest is garbage...

Since I cannot fathom the idea of driving through Mass and not bedding down somewhere for the night, perhaps I'll just leave the gun at home and bring my sword instead...Anyone know what the sword laws are?!?

Okay, gentlemen, I've heard enough.

I request that all members kindly either answer the question or ignore the thread. Making rude remarks toward someone who is trying to adhere to the law is a poor reflection on responsible gun owners everywhere.

Mr. Perkins - I think someone needs an upgrade to their satire detector, don't you? :)
I must wholeheartedly agree with your assessment, thanks for all the help folks I'll be done with this for now having gained the answers I sought to begin with and my thanks goes out to those folks who were kind enough to help out...

W. Perkins
I was not replying to the stupid comments about the cemented barrel etc, but about the nonsense of having to have the firearm dissembled, with no ammunition. As I stated if he did any research he would have know that you can travel into the state with a handgun, as long as it is locked in a case and separate from the ammo. Same goes with long arms. The police can not do anything to you as long as you follow that advice. If you keep the gun in a holster near your seat then you will go to jail. Just play it safe when your in Massachusetts.
And ... that's about enough of that.

To repeat:
Making rude remarks toward someone who is trying to adhere to the law is a poor reflection on responsible gun owners everywhere.

People come here to do research. If the fact that people come here to do research bothers you, kindly go elsewhere rather than making rude remarks about them needing to do research.

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