Interstate transport of weapon


New member
I was wondering if someone could telling the laws about transporting a weapon across state lines. Lets say i'm on the CA side of tahoe and I'm at some range shootings in the snow, and then decided to take a trip to Reno. thanks
The federal law can be summed as this:

You can transport a weapon if you can legaly possess it where you are ending up.

There are certain special ways you have to carry the weapon, but you are safe in most areas as long as the weapon is stored unloaded in a locked container seperate from the ammo. In a trunk is your best bet if you can do that.

This law does not stop certain areas (DC, NJ, etc...) from claiming that you cannot transport a weapon through their state.

While I was in Texas recently I was told by a trooper that Texas state law allows accessible loaded carry (ie-on your lap, on the seat, on the dash, in your pocket, under your coat, in an open bag next to you, etc., as long as you are "travelling" which they said was defined as crossing at least one county line during your trip. He advised that the weapon should be unloaded and properly stored when you reached your destination though. I wondered if you could stretch the definition to include carrying on your person while you were hiking if you were crossing a state line?

Other states allow you to carry a loaded handgun in an open manner, some allow carry in a glove campartment, many allow the open and accessible carry of a long gun (window rack or inside roof rack, etc.). The best bet is to get the information for the specific states you are planning on travelling through and the municipalities you will be staying in from the state and local LE agencies.

There are several list online (for instance this one: that offer summaries of various firearms laws, but some of the info could be wrong or outdated. The best bet is always a written explanation from the appropriate LE agency.

That link also has the NRA's offered info on the interstate transport of firearms.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 12-04-98).]
So if I start in Cali got to reno for a day trip (assuming I can legally have whatever gun I have that day) and come back, is my destination Cali for Nevada?
If you are ok to own a weapon in both jurisdictions, does it really matter which jusrisdiction you determine to be your destination?
Rich is right, Chink. Since you would not be going through any other states.

Like I said, you best bet is to consult the LE agencies that have jurisdiction in the areas you are going to be and/or keep your weapons unloaded and secured according to the "general rule" mentioned in the NRA info.
