Internet Toll Charge

Harley Nolden

Staff In Memoriam
CNN reported that within th next two weeks Congress is going to vote on allowing telephone companies to CHARGE A TOLL FEE FOR INTERNET ACCESS.
Everytime we send a long distance e-mail we will receive a long distance charge.

Plese visit the following site and file a complaint to your congressman. The following address will allow you to send an e-mail on this subject directly to your congressman.


Did this notification come to you through your e-mail or did you actually see it reported on CNN?

Does this bill have a number?

I've recieved this kind of report through e-mail several times.

You may want to go to this site and read up on it. It's a fairly short letter.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited May 30, 1999).]
Time for humble pie:

I must admit, I received it from a friend on my e-mail. I personally did not view it. I apologize for any inconvenience. I just took it for granted, because it came from a friend. Opppppppppppppppps!

I do thank you for bringing this to our attention I and shall endeavor to not let it happen again.

[This message has been edited by Harley Nolden (edited May 30, 1999).]
i know that due to my own laziness, i got caught on the Reno thing. had to go back to some people and them it was bogus.. i hate when that happens!!

fiat justitia