Internet Explorer 5


New member
Hey! Long time no see! We'll I've been having some problems with IE5. If you post to a forum, sometimes the name will be altered (ex: Forum to FszEm). I've been buzzing around Pokemon forums. I've noticed (Spark, you might remember this from the UBB forum, when Hal created the test board and tried this had the same effect) that if you post on the forum with IE5, the title is usually altered. If you post with, say, Netscape, it woln't happen. If you post with IE4- then it doesn't happen. So if you are posting with IE5, be careful with it.

-Your webmaster, Zach-
*** posted with IE5
So, whadda mean be "careful"?? If there is an incompatability b/ IE5 & the UBBSW shouldn't we be looking for a patch for either or both? Clue me O' Byte Master!
Ditto...been using IE5 since beta with no apparent bugs on this and other boards. But then I'm pretty new here.
Nooooo... IE5 & UBB work together. Some names of it might be disfigured (like what I said) if there are any special charecters.
I too am a IE5 beta tester (now using the released version) and have not noticed any problems on any of the forums I post on. Can you be more specific on the problem?

John - NRA - Lifer

<img src=>
I just downloaded IE5 today, and I'll be switching back later today. I can tell you the REAL problem:


Those little files are stored PERMANENTLY and allow anybody who knows how to figure out which sites you've been looking at. That aspect doesn't bother me that much, because if I were ever told to turn the hard drive over for inspection, I could always torch it. What really bugs me is that the cookies take up space. And if you try to delete them, windows tells you it did, but the space is still taken up because it keeps 'em somewhere, and there's no way short of learning the code and going into windows to get rid of it. The only solution I found last time was to back everything up and dump the hard drive completely. Now, if I want to use IE5, I have to do that about once a year? Screw that.
I don’t know much about computers but I suspect I have 5.0 Beta (we do Microsoft's quality control work free) version.
------- Ordeal #1
To delete cookies:
Disclaimer: I don’t know if this works! I have not tried it. (There....)
Select Tools..... Internet Options.....Security Settings.....Custom level
Second major “paragraph” is “Cookies”..... select disable.
------- Ordeal #2
At the end of each session, or once a day,,... okay, sometimes once
every two days, I delete the “Temporary Internet Files” and “Clear History”
as follows:
Select Tools.....General
Delete and Clear as indicated by the little boxes.
------- Ordeal #3
Also every day or so, I clean out all the junk I know how to delete:
I use “Windows Explorer” (because I have it programmed into my keyboard
as a shortcut.... that’s about as “technical” as I can manage!)
Open folder “Windows”
Open folder “Cookies”; click on a cookie; right button select all & delete ‘em
Open folder “History” - See if Ordeal #2 deleted everything. Delete as
Open folder “Recent” - Delete it all
Open folder “Temp” - Kill! Kill!
Open folder “Temporary files” - Ordeal #2 should have wiped out everything,
but I still open every folder here and make sure everything is gone.
The cookies for TFL get lost this way, but if you have 50 or so cookies it’s too
danged time-consuming to use “Quick View” or “Properties” to see which
cookies are TFL and which aren’t. So I delete ‘em all and reset “preferences”
when I come back to TFL
If there is a better way (or if this is wrong), please advise!
BTW, If all this works fine, I’m Dennis. If it screws up your computer, this is really
Art Eatman using Dennis’ computer. :D
Ys, cookies can be disabled by customizing the security settings in IE5. Also, look on your windows cd or on the microsoft homepage for a program for windows called TweakUI that will allow you to tweak the user interface to "paranoid" mode to delete your cache and history files everyday.

Thanks! I knew how to disable cookies, they just moved the sucker on me. I should have known I was just being paranoid. I still don't trust that the cookies are totally gone (with IE4, Windows would tell me they were permanently deleted but I wouldn't lose XX MB of storage they took up--hmmm) but I don't really care about the security as much as storage space, which seems to be preserved somehow with cookies disabled. I figure if it ever got so bad that they could use the mere fact that I visited some website as evidence against me, then my various guns and knives would be worse than any hard drive. Thanks again for showing me something new!