International Training Group™ (ITG™) March 2005 Courses


I am very pleased to announce that The Steele Foundation's International Training Group™ (ITG™) has expanded our training courses for 2005 and we now offer a complete 21 day program. This is the first "open enrollment" training program we will be running this year.

Here is an overview of our March 05 Course.



The Steele Foundation has set many industry benchmarks such as being the only private organization in the world to ever provide a full-time Presidential Protection Detail and Training Unit. As industry leaders servicing clients such as the Office of the President of three foreign countries and countless Fortune 100 companies, The Steele Foundation presents unparalleled experience and subject matter expertise in the fields of Executive / Dignitary Protection and Training. Based on this experience, The Steele Foundation’s International Training Group™ (ITG™) is defining new training standards, which reflect this same high caliber of expertise, organization, and professionalism. To clarify this point, our ITG™ Training staff just completed training a division of the US ARMY tasked with providing Diplomatic Security services in Iraq.

This is the same program that we put our agents through and is based on the above referenced Presidential Protection Training program which is founded in State Department Doctrine. It is an A-Z program and is geared towards someone looking to achieve a high level of operational skill in the protective services field. It is also the only private sector EP training program that includes a complete driver training program.

The program it's self is broken down into modules and runs from 12-21 days in it's entirety, depending on whether you do some or all the modules.

The modules are as follows; "Executive / Dignitary Protection Training Module 12-Days", "Basic Protective Firearms Training Module 2-Days", "Advanced Protective Firearms Training Module 2-Days", "High Risk Environment Training Module 2-Days ", and "Surveillance and Surveillance Detection Training Module 3-Days" = 21 Days Combined. You do not need to do all of the modules / 21 days, you can do one or two of modules if you choose, etc. We try to keep the program as flexible as possible.

The March 05 course will be held at the Alameda County Sheriff's Department Regional Training Center in Dublin, CA (which is 20 minutes east of San Francisco).

Our program is unique, not only because of the subject matter, but because of our instructors. The Steele Foundation’s International Training Group employs professional instructors from diverse professional and academic backgrounds such as military protection, intelligence and investigations units, Special Operations, Federal and State law enforcement agencies and Corporate Security. Our Instructors are the most highly trained and experienced Executive / Dignitary Protection experts teaching in the private sector today. As an example one of our lead instructors for our July Course is Jake Ashton. Mr. Ashton is currently one of the lead instructors for the US Army's CID Protection School.

The program is advanced and very hands on as it's about 70% practical and 30% classroom.

Our program is being reviewed in the an upcoming issue of SWAT magazine and our July program was reviewed by The History Channel's "Tactical Practical" which aired in October 04.

Finally, we are keeping the cost as low as possible to ensure that quality individuals are able to attend. Most programs are only 5 - 7 days or less and cost as much if not more then our program.

You can download and/or view our complete 12 Page ITG™ Brochure/Catalog and our 2005 Registration Form online: .

Please give a call to discuss, but be advised we keep the classes somewhat small and I only have a few seats left so if your interested we need to get you registered ASAP.


-Introduction to Protective Services
-Threat Assessment
-Protective Services Weapons and Equipment
-Protective Services Unarmed Combat Techniques
-Attack Recognition for Formations
-Dismounted Formations
-Mounting/Dismounting of Vehicles
-First Aid & Adult CPR/AED Certification
-Tactical First Aid for Protection Teams
-Improvised Explosive Devices
-Building Search Procedures
-Vehicle Search Procedures
-Attack Recognition for Motorcades
-Motorcade Operations
-Vehicle Dynamics
-J Turns and Boot Legs
-Motorcade Attack on Principal Drills
-Vehicle Ramming
-Single Vehicle AOP Drills
-Motorcade AOP Drills
-Security Post Operations
-Advance Operations
-Conducting Briefings
-Command Post Operations
-Protocol and Etiquette
-Practical Exercises & Critique
-Executive / Dignitary Protection Examination


-Use of Force / Deadly Force
-Weapons Familiarization
-Familiarization and Qualification Course of Fire
-Drawing and Firing from Concealed Carry
-Night Time Familiarization Course of Fire
-Multiple Target Engagement Drills
-Evacuation and Formation Shooting Drills
-Firing Techniques, Including Firing from Vehicles
-Shooting Through Glass
-Advanced Protective Firearms Techniques


-Carbine Operations for Protective Details
-Foot and walking formations
-Vehicle arrival and departure drills
-Route selection and security
-Convoy procedures
-Immediate Action Drills
-Officer down (casualty) drills
-Vehicle anti-ambush drills live fire (immobilized vehicle, mobile vehicle)
-Downed vehicle drills
-Night Operations(foot contact and vehicle anti-ambush drills)
-Roadside IED’s recognition and tactics
-Suicide Car Bombings
-Foot contact drills – file, column (fire and movement)


- Familiarization with various surveillance techniques.
- Vehicular and pedestrian mobile surveillance, static observation and course leg surveillance techniques used by potential attackers .
- Phases of planning for a kidnapping or assassination attempt will be identified and reviewed.
- How surveillance is used by the potential attacker to develop information.
- Factors pertaining to the identification of potential ambush sites will be identified and discussed.
- Factors pertaining to correlation of movement, identification of surveillance operatives and selection of surveillance detection techniques will be identified and discussed.
-Factors pertaining to route and area reconnaissance, developing familiarity with the environment and choosing appropriate surveillance detection positions will be identified and discussed.
- Conducting liaison and coordination with local law enforcement authorities will be identified and discussed.
- A decision making matrix will be presented and discussed that identifies the various courses of action available to individual executive protection agents suspecting that surveillance has been detected.
- Command and control techniques for a surveillance detection team will be identified and discussed.
- Factors pertaining to information gathering by surveillance detection agents and the correlation of that information will be identified and discussed.
- Practical Exercises


Executive / Dignitary Protection Training Module: 12-Day Program - $3,250.00

- March 7th 2005 - March 18th 2005

Basic Protection Firearms Training Module 2-Day Program - $700.00

- March 19th 2005 - March 20th 2005

Advanced Protection Firearms Training Module: 2-Day Program - $700.00

- March 21st 2005 - March 22nd 2005

High Risk Environment Training Module: 2-Day Program - $700.00

- March 23rd 2005 - March 24th 2005

Surveillance / Surveillance Detection training Module: 3 Day Program - $900.00

- March 25th 2005 - March 26th 2005

Combined Protection Training Module: 21-Day Program - $5,850.00

- March 7th 2005 - March 26th 2005


If you combine all modules (which are scheduled back-to-back)the training is 21 Days Total and you receive a discount.

I may be biased, but I truly think we are offering one of the most in-depth, cost effective, cutting edge/realistic training programs available in the private sector today.

Hope to see you there :).
