Question for all, just for kicks...
If you had to pick one (1) pistol, as your one-and-only, 007-style, world-class-traveller choice, what would it be, and why?
Can be your favorite now, or one you'd save up and buy.
Keep in mind - size/shape (concealability - some places you don't want to be showing off your comp .45), parts availability, caliber availability, weapon reliability, etc.
If you had to pick one (1) pistol, as your one-and-only, 007-style, world-class-traveller choice, what would it be, and why?
Can be your favorite now, or one you'd save up and buy.
Keep in mind - size/shape (concealability - some places you don't want to be showing off your comp .45), parts availability, caliber availability, weapon reliability, etc.