Interesting statistic


New member
Got this from a local news program. Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, the agency responsible for conducting instant background checks, today released gun sales figures since the instant check system went into effect on Nov.1. It seems that in the last three and a half months Tennesseians have purchased 82,000 firearms. Yes, thats 82 thousand! Its about an even split between long guns and handguns. Now I'm all for folks buying guns, but, man, thats alot of guns. I wonder if its the Y2K effect or maybe this is normal and we just never knew before? At any rate, things are looking up for our side. :)
Man, that's some serious gunnage! Do have an idea of what the actual population of the state is to give it a little more perspective?
TN population is roughly 5.5mm (see . If the trend continued, they would sell over 280,000 guns in 12 months(of course, trends tend not to be linear). If my math is right, that would be roughly 5% of the population.

Guns going to other states, as claimed in a Brooklyn Federal court? Maybe. On the other hand, I would guess some percentage is for Y2K, and a much larger percentage is people who are very concerned about the negative RKBA trend at this time. 'Assault weapons ban', Brady Bill, tightening of the Brady Bill, Schumer election, gun lawsuits ... If one had any interest at all in self defense, why wouldn't you make sure you have any weapons you could conceivably need?

So, my vote is that this is what we call a 'pull forward' in retail - robbing future sales for the here and now.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 02-13-99).]
There were almost 30K checks run in the first month of operation. Some of that may have been Xmas sales and some of it was definitely "tests" on the check system. I know that I bought a gun on the first day just to try it out. Some of those were also tunr downs. I imagine that if 82k firearms have been transferred under the instant check there may have been over 100k checks run. My dealer had a guy arrested in his store while trying to make an illegal purchase, so there are legitimate turndowns being caught.

TN has a lot of gun buyers anyway, but you can be darn sure that the instant check, the political climate and Y2k had an influence on those high numbers. Meanwhile, I'd rather be here than anywhere that the sales were lower and I hope that not one gun leaves the state, if you now what I mean.

Hell, in the last tree months I'd have bought 82,000 just for my own personal collection but money's been tight.<G>
ssshhhh! it's a secret ;)

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited February 14, 1999).]
Hi all
Another interesting statistic. Went to the big Indy gun show a few Saturdays ago. I got there about three pm. I stopped at the Caflin Cartridge tables while they were unwrapping a skid of 7.62x39 russian hollowpoint. They said it was their fourth skid that day. That means in six hours they sold three skids. If a skid has 50,000 rounds on it (50 cases of 1000rnds I think) then Caflin Cartridge alone sold 150,000 rounds in six hours at the Indy gun show.
Caflin was one of 3 or 4 big ammo dealers at the show. I'll bet that show sold more than 500,000 rounds of AK/SKS ammo that weekend.
Just another interesting stat.
Patrick Graham
Rob: Are you sure the guy was arrested for attempting to purchase a gun or did they just "find" him as a result of his attempted purchase? I wonder if he wasn't wanted for something else and they just happened to get the word to the locals.
oh hell Grayfox, you just let out our secret. :) oh well, reckon they'd figure it out sooner or later. ;)

fiat justitia
Boys, Iffn the South is arising again, let us hope that the leaders are better than the last 3 we've seen from down thah, LBJ, Jimmy Carter and Slimeball.

P.S. I know where the term DIXIE came from, does that he'p get me thru the lines? :)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited February 15, 1999).]
He was told that he was being arrested becuase of the attempted purchase, but you are probably correct that there was a warrant out for him on another matter.