Interesting pistols

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I was in a shop last night looking for interesting pistols and picked up a VP70. I miss the one I had...
The VP is a Curio in my book - it has a trigger like a toy dart gun and the sights like a Super Soaker or something... but it kinda feels good in the hand and has some interesting history. Also, it starred in the movie Aliens... and a couple other science fiction flix. The Military/Police version is actually a machine pistol when the sholder stock is attached... all in all - its a very interesting pistol indeed. And to have an HK for well under 300 aint bad at all.
Also I found a South African pistol called a R.O.T. 401 that retailed for 249. Its a 9 MM and seems to be well made. A slab-sided clone of the Astra A-75 which is generally 50 to 60 bucks more. The A-75 is a great little pistol and this one looked to be very close to that level. Compact, it can be had in both 9MM or .40 Cal. Interesting crossbow proof marks.
If you know a new pistol packer looking for an entry level auto in a service caliber... this pistol is a good option.
The drawbacks are a bad trigger - lots of take up and then a great deal of stacking in a DA pull. BUT - in SA mode... its pretty sweet. In fact its on of the best SA pulls on a gun in its class.