Interesting Night Vision Experiment

David Wright

New member
This is kinda long, but definitely worth it.

I like to monitor the progress(?) of my senses and/or skills deteriorating as I get older.

One of particular interest is my eyesight.
Although not usually impressed by the usual "miracle vitamin of the week" type of marketing nonsense, I did try something that actually works. It's called Bilberry extract and here's what it's done for me.

There are specific circumstances when I cannot see well in the dark, and are clearly documented. One that perhaps you can relate to is, when I make a trip to the can in the middle of the night, the nightlight isn't enough. I have to turn on another light to clearly see to do my business. Of course, turning on that light blows my night vision and I must circumnavigate my way back to bed.

After taking 500 mcg (not milligrams, but micrograms) a day for about three days, I could absolutely see better. Keep in mind, I am extremely skeptical about this kind of stuff. Now when I make that nocturnal trip, the small 3 watt nightlight is plenty bright enough.

As a bonus, the recovery of my night vision when a bright light is encountered is immediate. I couldn't harldy believe it.

The changes were so immediately apparent, that I set-up a test involving placebos to see if it was my imagination. Well folks, I have been doing this on-again, off-again test for three months now, and this stuff works. It has improved my visual acuity during the day also.

Another test was with my Glock nightsights (wow, are they bright now!) and shooting different kinds of ammo in the dark. I can actually cleary read printed text in total darkkness with my gun nightsights. Weird.

Even with bright flash cheapo ammo, my vision recovery is immediate. And, of course, looking thru binoculars and scopes is a new experience.

Yes, there is a down side to just about all good things. You have to remember to take this stuff in the morning and in the evening, and when I am in a store or restaurant near the window on a sunny day, it is mandatory for me to have to wear sunglasses. The sun does appear brighter with this stuff.

It takes about 3 days or so to really notice a difference and about 2-4 days to notice it's not working when you stop taking it.
No kidding, this stuff works for me. I hear it's been around for awhile and British WW II pilots on night missions supposedly used it.
If you want more details on what's changed with my vision just ask.

Try it out. It's worth the money.

David H. Wright
Bring this man a
goat and a bowl of fruit
David: Where do you find the stuff and what is an approx. cost?

I would be interested in seeing how it works for me, except even a little light in a room prevents me from sleeping now.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Dave, have you thought of taking something to stop the trips to the can at night ;)

Oops, sorry ;)

The stuff sounds interesting, may have to try it, now if they would only come up with something to help my vision in daylight ;)

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Jim, I don't recall the cost, but especilly considering the benefits, it's worth it.

You can get this stuff at any health food store or large grocery store. I couldn't tell any difference in performance between different brands.

My prostate is fine thank you. I only make one or two trips a night at most.

Geoff, this stuff does improve my daytime vision. Distant objects appear to be sharper.
I do have to wear dark sunglasses more often.

Something I think that is very important is that you document what you eyesight is doing now in daylight and dark regarding acuity.

That way, after taking Bilberry, you'll know exactly what was improved by how much and can clearly convey those improvements to others.

One experiment was looking at 4 100 watt uncoated globe lightbulbs for about 15 seconds. When I turned them off and immediately walked into a dark room, I could see really well. My eyes recovered pretty darn fast. Before taking the bilberry stuff, my eyes would be wiped out for about a good 15-20 minutes.

I guess the most dramatic impovements are for folks like me with less than perfect eyesight. It could really help if someone is a smoker or doesn't eat right or has a keratin deficiency. I don't know what it will do for you but me and my two friends are definitely sold on this.....

David H. Wright
Bring this man a
goat and a bowl of fruit
Hell, I wear sunglasses all the time now, I don't know if I could stand being more light
sensitive. I would like better night vision though. I may give it a try, what the hell, I'll just have to go buy some welding goggles! ;)
