Interesting happening in England

Ron S

New member
APRIL 29, 09:40 EDT None Hurt in British School Shooting GLOUCESTER, England (AP) - A teen-age gunman fired three shots into a college classroom filled with students this morning in Britain before running away. No one was injured. Police, who evacuated 18 female students from the classroom at the Gloucestershire College of Art and Technology in southwest England, said the youth fired through an open window and put the weapon, believed to be a handgun, back inside his coat before leaving. Police later arrested a 16-year-old youth, believed to be a student at the college. The suspect's weapon was almost certainly illegal. Britain imposed a near-total ban on handguns after Thomas Hamilton used four legally owned guns to kill 16 kindergarten children and their teacher before killing himself on March 13, 1996, in Dunblane. Eight days ago, two teen-agers rampaged through a high school in suburban Denver with bombs and firearms, killing 15 people, including themselves.

Wow, looks like that near total ban is really doing it's job, ehh?
Sad thing is, they'll try to use incidents like this to turn their "near total ban" into a "total ban". The antis simply cannot and will not, no matter how much logic and fact pointing to the contrary, admit that their methods don't help, and in fact make things worse in most cases.
Bab: That's because crime isn't the reason for the ban, it's an excuse. The truth is, they don't CARE whether their stupid laws cause crime to soar; Gun control isn't an exercise in pragmatism, it's the result of a political ideology which finds armed individuals offensive. Essentially speaking, the gun control movement's leaders are closet totalitarians, who what the public to be defenseless against the state. The only reason they pretend otherwise is that they have to, to keep the useful idiots in line.
The handgun ban in the UK is total. There is not even an exemption for the Olympic shooting team.

To confirm what Brett says, a Labour MP was asked during the "debate" about the estimated 2 million unregistered hanguns in Britain. His response was, "Oh, we are not concerned about those, they are all in the hands of criminals."

Gun control advocates are not concerned about crime except in that crime can be used as an excuse to further their cause. Many of them believe the end justifies the means and I believe they would promote or even commit crimes to further their cause.

Like the people who bomb abortion clinics, they might well think that by killing a few, they will save the lives of many.
