interesting discussion

cornered rat

I found this link in my log file, going to It was presented as the NRA advertising that caused the latest school shooting. I nore that this use was in violation of the terms stated at my site, as well as inaccurate.

So I moved the original and replaced it...take a look. (You might have to paste the URL in twice, if it doesn't work at once)^321854@.eef29d2/281

Hmmm....the URL is not working today, but it is under "education issues"

The replacement graphic is at

Cornered Rat Updated March 20
"Turn in your guns, get a a free tattoo on your arm"
That's too bad, Oleg. Your site is one of my favorites. Your images are professional-looking, the articles always thought-provoking. I've always asked permission before using your images, and will continue to ask. Too bad news media people steal and twist the meanings. Keep up the good work, buddy.

-Live free or die
Wasn't established news media...just a freelance idiot. Fortunately, he was too stupid to copy my image, and so I replaced it with something else. Didn't even have to register for their forums :)

Seems their forums are not accessible for now....

I had to register to get to Web Crossing, but finally got through. I think your change in the image is very powerful. I wonder how much site traffic you get from it. If they actually read your site maybe they will learn something, I know I always do.
16 people saw this today (I made the change at 1am), two of them from TFL. Don't think more than a couple followed the link, but I did not look closely.

Their site has been down on and off, that might be keeping the traffic down.

Cornered Rat Updated March 20
"Turn in your guns, get a a free tattoo on your arm"

I posted this on the thread:

Don Reeves,
Not only did the NRA never post such an advertisement but the photo you posted was taken in violation of federal copyright laws. Copyright on that photograph is held by Oleg Volkh. Not only are you a liar, sir, you are also a thief. So the Second Amendment is an anachronism? For we have standing armies, right? Read your history, people. The reason for being of the Second Amendment is as a counterpoise to standing armies. The threat to liberty from standing armies was the entire reason for the Second Amendment. Not hunting, not protection from criminals, not sporting purposes, nothing but the final answer to tyranny. Read the thoughts of those dead, white guys who founded this nation. Rescind the Second Amendment? Good luck. The Bill of Rights does not grant rights, it merely enumerates the God given rights of man. The first Ten Amendments are a list of rights held by humans simply by fact of their existence. They can only by "rescinded" by the application of force by tyrants.
Cornered Rat--

I agree. That replacement image will perhaps provoke some thought. I don't have a lot of time to look at your site right now (history term paper) but it looks well done and interesting. I'll see more of it later. Good luck.

Well, I went to those NY Times forums and all I can say is I don't know why anyone would bother to use such a format. Maybe 2 years ago, but not now. It's impossible to find anything in that spahetti mess.

As for the wisdom of various posters, here's a tidbit:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Teaching parents to be responsible and recognizing children's conflicts sounds good and, of course, should be dealt with. But to actually believe that that is the problem misses the point entirely. We as Americans have become so in love with our weapons that we fail to see that guns are the problem! [/quote]

Yeah, all those people who think responsibility, parenting, and stopping the conflict itself are the real problem really bug me too. I've been saying for years that the real reason kids go berserk is that I own a firearm . . . .

I wish that were funny.

[This message has been edited by Gwinnydapooh (edited April 25, 1999).]