Interesting book

Mal H

I just finished "Shadow" by Bob Woodward. Woodward covers each president since Watergate and the way in which scandals and such affected their presidency. I found it very interesting and a good insight into the inner sanctum of the presidency.

I also found it interesting how much scandal each presidency had by measuring each section of the book. This is not exactly a scientific method, but it is telling:

Ford - 3/32 inch
Carter - 1/8
Reagan - 3/16 (mostly Iran-contra)
Bush - 5/32
Clinton - 11/16

So Clinton's section has almost 1/4 more than the sum of all 4 previous presidents and he isn't finished yet! And don't forget this is by a relatively "liberal" author.

For those, like myself, who, when they see fraction comparisons like Mal posted, have to sit down and think for a second to interpret the info, here is the above in least common denominator form:

Ford - 3/32 inch
Carter - 4/32
Reagan - 6/32 (mostly Iran-contra)
Bush - 5/32
Clinton - 22/32
I just started reading Shadow also. Interesting way you measured scandal! Pretty accurate when you look at the history of events since Watergate. I would consider Bob Woodward "fair" in his analysis. I don't think he can be classified as liberal unless it is construed to mean unbiased. Good book for those of us who are involved in politics.
My wife and I picked it up last weekend, now if only she would get around to finishing it. She called dibs, and house rules do not permit co-reading. *sigh*

I've heard quite a bit about this book recently, and Mr. Woodward was interviewed last week regarding the book (prompting our purchase). All reviews show it was a fair, well-written book, and I'm looking forward to diving into it.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.