Interesting Article in the Oakland (MI) Press

Jim V

New member
On Friday there was an article about the CCW reform in Michigan and the effects of the FedGov anti-gun law push on the various gunshops and gun smiths in the area.

All the gun smiths reported an sharp increase in repair work, some that had 1-2 week turn around times are now looking at 6-8
weeks. Two of the gun smiths interviewed reported receiving death threats because they sell and/or repair firearms. Threats that were made against them and their families. Not the "someone should kill you" type of threats but the "Mother......, I'm going to kill you and your family because you sell guns" type.

Now, I can not believe that anti-firearms people would be that violent. (Except for the fedgoons) We all know that the mere ownership of guns turns a rational human being into a homicidal monster ready and willing to kill for the least excuse. Maybe there are other reasons besides owning firearms that makes people violent. Knowing someof these gunsmiths, unless it was a sniper attack from a distance, the person attacking would end being surrounded with a chalk mark.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
It never ceases to amaze me how hypocritical these people can be...

"All gun owners should be thrown in jail..."

"We should go door to door and shoot all the gun owners..."

"I'm going to kill you and your family because you sell guns..."

And even we are hypocrites!

"The right to keep and bear arms is to retain and utilize that power to restore a government gone bad..." How bad does it have to get?

But, at least we error on the side of a peaceful resolution, eh?


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
i can believe they would make such a threat.
look at what other groups have done- doctors shot at clinics- trees spiked so loggers or sawmill operators would be injured or killed - i can't see any justification for such acts. on the other hand , maybe it's just that they believe the end justifies the means.
It wasn't any inbred, gun-toting yahoo that called in those bomb threats to disrupt the NRA convention in Denver. Nor did they threaten the CO legislators in order to halt action on their CCW legislation.