Interesting aricle on Hitler and gun control

I am restrained by law from commenting on some topics touched by the article. Readers who can manage german may like to try the site below

If the priority of the archive over witnes accounts is given up, history ceases to be a science and becomes an art.
It's also been said that our very own Gun Control Laws are nearly identicle to the Nazi Gun Control Laws.

While I've not researched the validity of this, it wouldn't really surprise me. Sort of a precedent writing if you will, changed only in verbage slightly.

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms;
History shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler
"Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, and destroy their rugged- ness.
Get control of all means of publicity, and thereby get the peoples' mind off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities.
Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance."

Vladimir Ilich Lenin, former leader of USSR
I have heard a scholarly presentation that the Hitler Germany's gun control laws were quite similar in content to the majority of gun control laws across all of Europe and thus not unique. The presenter thus was arguing that the Hitler argument that we make for the RKBA was not that strong. It wasn't that the rest of Europe was a firearms rights wonderland. Presenter was a pretty good constitutional lawyer and very pro RKBA.

Since, I haven't studied the issue in depth I can't comment on the technical nature of the claim.

But it makes the good point of the comparison group. If Germany's laws were similar let's say to France or Denmark (don't know this
personally) - we need another argument.

Thus, the idea that we got our laws from Hitler is bogus as we used a common precendent from Europe.
The folklore is that we got the language of the '68 GCA from the .38 Nazi Weapons law curtesy of Senator Chris Dodd of Connnecticut (father of current Senator Thomas Dodd). says that Dodd the Elder, co-author of 68GCA requested a copy of the German law be translated for him by the Library of Congress.

As to the argument that since German laws were no different from other European laws so it is no biggy, I offer this: only 3% of the Jews Hitler killed were German. The first thing Hilter did when he conquered a country was to confiscate civilian weapons. I am sure the registration lists were of great assistance to him in this effort.

Did anyone notice Gunter's response ? I have not read the article yet, yet his response chills me.

Gunter is not German, he's Austrian (so was Hitler, by the way).

Gunter doesn't seeem to work for the gov't, as a Software Engr.

...yet he can't comment under threat of law ?

Gunter, if you live in a place where this type of discourse is verboten, you have my deepest regrets. Unfortunately, we in the US are well on our way and will shortly join you in that place ...
It seems that Hitler just deftly used laws already in place to target specific people . Kind of like he used the S.S. to gain absolute power . In short he took a shield and used it as a sword .

Dodd supposedly studied a whole bunch of European laws of which the German were in the set and similar to the others.

JFPO is said to ignore the fact that he looked at the others also as it doesn't make the story exciting.
"Dodd supposedly studied a whole bunch of European laws of which the German were in the set and similar to the others."

If you read Federalist #46 you will see that this was known 213 years ago.

"JFPO is said to ignore the fact that he looked at the others also as it doesn't make the story exciting."

I think it would make it more exciting. Not only did Hitler take advantage of German citizen disarmament but he took advantage of disarmament in Denmark, Austria, Poland, France...

The Straightdope article does not effectively blunt the anti-gun control argument in general or the Nazi example specifically.
