interest comment in Reason magazine (

Wow, thanks for the article link. I may have to get Kohn's book. It is always good to see someone in Academia actually doing what they profess to encourage their students to do: think for themselves, rather than conform to other's viewpoints blindly. On today's universities, it seems that you need not be thoughtful or anticonformist at all...rather it more important that you simply appear to be so. Go to the gap and get your retro 60's garb, smoke a little weed, protest something now and again...
I'm a little too young to remember the 60's, but I like to think, for better or worse, it was a time of "expanding" thought and creativity. I do not see that at all in the present college scene. It seems that there is the unspoken rule that "thinking for oneself" equals "being liberal on all issues". As if nothing could be simplier.
Ohio Annie wrote:

"Reason mag is a libertarian mag and has lots of anti-gun-control stuff in it. They often link to the Cato Institute."


Annie, did you read the Kopel piece? If so, how where in it did you find the anti-gun content you mentioned? Please clarify.

Have you read Ms. Kohn's book? I've ordered a copy.

Might it be that you have been reading some other magazine named Reason? I know of only one, but then I've missed things before.