Interarms Mark X 30-06 question again


It's been so long since I have worked on this gun I have forgotten. I received help here last year. I have a interarms mark x 30-06 & I can't remember how to install the bolt. It's built like a Mauser, I open the lever spring and get the bolt in but it will not go completely in because the cocking mechanism hits the stock. I can't figure out how to turn the cocking mechanism??? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you, Trott.
" I can't figure out how to turn the cocking mechanism???"
Did you disassemble the bolt? If you didn't, there's no reason it won't go back in. If you did OR you "decocked" the striker, you need to hook the sear on the edge of a WOOD(not metal) table or workbench and retract while turning to reset the cocking piece. There's probably a u-toob video on this(as there seems to be on everything).
Some rifles with high comb stocks require some careful manipulation to re-insert the bolt w/o gouging the stock comb. As mentioned, make sure the extractor is aligned with the right bolt lug.
The Mark X is a Mauser 98.

The cocking piece hitting the stock means the bolt is either not cocked or not screwed in all the way. I'm betting not cocked.

Get a thick pair of leather work gloves, grab the cocking piece in one hand, the bolt in the other, and twist until the bolt is cocked. Then install the bolt into the rifle as normal. If the cocking piece continues to twist even after you've twisted it 90 degrees you need to keep twisting it on until it is fully screwed in.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, youtube it.
