Intelligent push back in the Des Moines Register


New member
IMhO this is an EXCELLENT push back opinion piece to an anti-gun opinion piece published by the Des Moines Register from Iowa state senator Claire Celsi.

The author (Donald W. Bohlken of Indianola is an attorney and a retired administrative law judge) avoids hyperbole and emotional arguments and just flat out exposes the lies and misrepresentations made in the anti-gun article. The comments to the article are all supportive and calm too.

It’s kind of refreshing.

The anti-gun article is here:
The DMR prevents folks like me using ad blockers from reading either. Any short summary for both you can share?
Here’s some points Iowa State Senator Celsi made that are refuted by Donald W. Bohlken.

1. The rate of suicides in the United States is 10 times higher than any other country on Earth. Refute: In fact, the United States annual suicide rate typically ranks in the 30s not even in the top 10.

2. She claims that the proposition that good guys with guns stop crime is a fantasy. Refute: There are half a million to three million cases of guns used defensively per year.

3. Gun deaths among 14 to 17 year olds are over 22% higher than motor vehicle deaths. Refute: if you take accidental gun deaths and accidental motor vehicle deaths then motor vehicles kill over 25X (twenty five times) more youths. Accidental firearms deaths is 0.23 per 100,000. Accidental motor vehicle deaths is 6.48.

In short, Celsi misrepresents a bunch of data, sometimes using apples-to-oranges, comparisons or just plain ignoring conflicting data to whip up an emotional anti-gun tirade. Much of her data has no source listed or comes from notoriously anti-gun sources like those sponsored by Michael Bloomberg (like Everytown).

P.S. Every time I went to the Des Moines Register site they said I had one less free article to view. I deleted my browser cookies and was able to go back and see more articles but I'm certainly not sure if this works for all browsers or even would continue to work for me.
I sent her a nice, professional note inquiring about her article, her reply was to ask if I was willing to listen, I said yes then no reply.
Anyone want to bet I won't hear back from her?