Integrated Device Independent Optical Targeting System


New member
The Future of Firearms

Because my friend, Gunspurt, continues to be frustrated in his quest to find a self-defense handgun that meets his personal standards of reliability, he has been reduced to carrying a big stick for self-defense whenever he goes out. As this is hardly an optimal situation self-defense wise, Gunspurt and his BS haven’t been getting out much lately, but this has resulted in him being able to devote his considerable creative abilities and talents to developing new and ingenious firearms innovations.

His latest brainchild is a firearms sighting/targeting system that combines state of the art technology from several different fields to create a versatile and inclusive device that can be fitted to almost any firearm having a trigger and a Picatinny rail or M-Loc system. It is not hyperbole to say his system takes ‘smart gun’ technology to an entirely new and unprecedented level. His system integrates the following high-tech components.

GPS technology
Laser technology
Telecommunications/Satellite Communications technology
Photographic technology
Optical Sighting technology
Bluetooth Audio technology
Computer technology to include:
-----Ballistics software
-----Facial recognition software
-----Voice recognition software
-----Artificial Intelligence (AI) threat assessment technology

His Integrated Device Independent Optical Targeting System comes with Bluetooth earbud/microphone components, a biometric trigger shoe, front and rear facing cameras, a weapons light, a laser range finder, a red/green/infrared laser targeting system, a multiple-reticule optical sighting system with automatic/manual intensity control, an ammunition round count feature along with telecommunication and GPS capabilities.

All of this technology works seamlessly together to provide the end user with not just a ‘smart gun’ but a brilliant gun.

The biometric trigger working with the rear facing camera and facial recognition software along with the Bluetooth microphone and its accompanying voice recognition software ensures that the firearm can only be fired by its authorized user.

The weapon light is used, not only to illuminate potential targets, but in low light situations will illuminate the firearm user to allow for failsafe operation of the camera and facial recognition software.

The laser range finder, in conjunction with the telecommunication and GPS features, is integrated with the ballistic software to automatically adjust both the laser and optical targeting systems. Not only is the range-to-target factored in, but the telecommunication and GPS features allow the system to get real-time information about local weather conditions such as wind direction, wind velocity, humidity and temperature. For extremely long-range sniper-type shots the GPS feature also makes adjustments for the Coriolis effect based on the longitude/latitude of the shooter and the direction of the shot.

The multiple reticule feature of the optical targeting system allows the user to choose the color, shape and size of the reticule so that they are not restricted to just the red or green dot and fixed MOA size and configuration some systems limit you to. The Bluetooth audio system with the voice recognition software allows the user to instantly change these settings (and many others) at any time depending on the situation.

Gunspurt envisions the Integrated Device Independent Optical Targeting System to be a revelation for civilians, military and law enforcement personnel and illustrates the system’s use with three example scenarios.

1. Civilian Use---General Usage and ‘The Bump in the Night’
On a rare day off from his husband and family Joe Civilian decides to take his firearm out for some practice. Removing the gun from his secure gun safe he loads his shooting equipment into his electric car and heads to the range. On the shooting line the biometric trigger shoe, along with the facial and voice recognition software confirm that Joe is indeed one of the authorized users of the firearm. The IDIOTS GPS feature notes that Joe is at a sanctioned shooting facility and the forward-facing camera not only ensures Joe is on target when he is shooting but that Joe is using approved, non-offensive targets. The targeting system working with the biometric trigger shoe allows micro delays to the actual firing of the weapon based on sight picture the forward-facing camera sees. If Joe’s sight picture wobbles a bit the gun does not fire until it is on target helping Joe to achieve a high percentage of good shots. The system scores Joe’s shots and integrates the day’s practice with his previous range trips giving him an overview of his skill level and improvements and/or problems with his shooting ability. The system keeps track of Joe’s proficiency, the number of rounds he has fired, number of trips to the range he has made and does this for all the authorized users of the firearm. This information is not only useful for the individual but can be retrieved and used in court if any legal questions ever arise about the use of the gun.

Back at home after his range trip, while unloading his car, Joe is confronted by some personal emergency that he has to take care of immediately and leaves his shooting gear on a bench in the garage while he enters the house to take care of things. The IDIOTS GPS feature detects the location of the firearm and that it is not moving and not in a secure storage container. The system tries to alert Joe to the situation setting off audio and visual warnings at the firearm itself strobing the weapons light, sending messages to Joe via the Bluetooth earbuds and calling Joe on his cell phone but Joe has removed the earbuds (since he was done shooting) and is far away from the gun and his cell phone in a remote part of the house. After a short interval with no corrective action IDIOTS makes a call to local law enforcement to initiate a firearms safety check at Joe’s home. Depending on local laws and regulations this could result in a warning, a ticket or even confiscation of the firearm. In this scenario law enforcement takes note of the infraction and records it but allows Joe to retain his firearm.

Later that night, with household all asleep, the unthinkable (and highly unlikely) happens. Every homeowner’s self-defense nightmare---a home invasion robbery with potential malicious intent. Retrieving his firearm from the secure safe, the biometric trigger shoe confirms Joe’s fingerprint. The rear-facing camera flashes a quick picture of Joe and the facial recognition software confirms Joe’s identity. Joe voices a verbal command, recognized by the voice recognition software that not only confirms Joe’s identity but tells IDIOTS that this is potentially an actual self-defense situation and sets the configurable options of the system to the settings Joe has previously set up in anticipation of just such an event. As Joe loads the gun and moves to find the source of the ‘bump in the night’ Joe’s gun uses its telecommunication feature to alert local law enforcement of the situation. This includes sending them the photo of Joe (taken by the camera activated just seconds before) so law enforcement will be aware of the identity and current appearance of the homeowner initiating the call. Despite admonitions from the 911 operator in his Bluetooth earbuds Joe moves to confront the potential threat in his home. He finds the alleged robber rifling through the desk drawers of his home office. Using voice commands Joe activates the weapons light and the green laser targeting system. Joe has chosen to leave the optical targeting system at Joe’s default setting of a 3 MOA red dot although he could have changed it on command had he so desired. The alleged robber, taken by surprise and startled by being illuminated by the IDIOTS on-board weapons light turns and raises his hands. Joe sees a gun in the alleged robber’s hand and pulls the trigger. The laser range finder determines the distance to the target as 14 feet 7 inches. The ballistic software adjusts the laser and optical targeting system for the distance after determining the environment conditions, (temperature, wind, humidity and the fact they are in an indoors setting etc.) will have negligible effects on the shot. The IDIOTS front-facing camera has been recording the entire confrontation and has been sending the video to the IDIOTS AI threat assessment software as well as to the local law enforcement center. The threat assessment software notes that Joe is indeed inside his own legal residence and that facial recognition software of the alleged robber does not indicate the target as any of the family or friends of the homeowner or of any law enforcement personal in the city. It also takes into account the ballistic characteristics of the round being fired, the chances of the round completely penetrating the target and ability of the area behind the target to provide an allowable backstop if the shot should miss. In Joe’s case the wall behind the alleged robber has a floor-to-ceiling bookcase which is assessed to be allowable. While the facial recognition software does not identify the alleged robber as a friend or family member it also does not identify the alleged robber as a known criminal. Had the alleged robber been identified as a criminal a check would have been made to determine if the alleged robber had any history of violent activities. As Joe presses the trigger the IDIOTS AI threat assessment software notes that while the alleged robber is raising the gun the muzzle of the gun is not pointing at Joe. The AI threat assessment software puts a temporary hold on the firearm and an instant later Joe realizes that the alleged robber has raised his hands in surrender and that the AI threat assessment software has prevented him from making a tragic mistake.

2. The Law Enforcement Scenario
Plainclothes Detective Jolene has tailed a potential drug dealer back to his house which might possibly be headquarters of a major drug dealing gang in the city. Seeking to obtain more information Jolene approaches the house and hears what seems to be a loud, violent argument. Jolene unholsters her IDIOTS equipped firearm. A quick flash of light allows the rear-facing camera and its attendant facial recognition software to confirm Jolene’s identity. The biometric trigger shoe confirms Jolene’s fingerprint and Jolene’s one-word voice command provides additional confirmation of Jolene’s identity and readies the firearm for action based on the parameters Jolene has previously set up and associated with her voice command. The IDIOTS firearm realizes it has been drawn from its holster and uses its telecommunication ability to notify higher level law enforcement of the situation. Jolene approaches the rear of the house and finds the backdoor unlocked and open. She is debating entering the house when she hears a loud crash and a cry for help. Without hesitation she enters the house with gun drawn, makes her way through the empty kitchen and enters the front room where the disturbance is taking place. Two men are in the room, one on the floor bleeding from a blow to the head and the other standing over him with a pistol in his hand. At Jolene’s entry the man with the gun turns and raises the pistol toward Jolene. Instinctively Jolene presses the trigger of her own firearm. IDIOTS, via the front facing video camera uses facial recognition to identify the potential target as a known drug dealer with an outstanding arrest warrant out for him and takes note of the fact that a weapon, identified as a 9mm Glock 17, is being raised in a threatening manner toward a law enforcement officer. However, the AI software has also determined, via GPS, that they are in the target’s legal domicile and further that Jolene is in plain clothes, has not identified herself as an officer of the law and is, herself, pointing a deadly weapon at the drug dealer. Therefore, the AI threat assessment software has no choice but to block Detective Jolene’s shot. Had the drug dealer been using an IDIOTS firearm the facial recognition software would have identified Jolene as a law enforcement officer and also blocked his shot. Luckily Detective Jolene was wearing a tactical ballistic vest and the scenario ends happily without the city being sued for millions of dollars for an unjustified shooting lawsuit.

3. Military Scenario
Following up on a tip about a possible meeting of several terrorist groups at a remote location in a foreign country a squad of U.S. troops is sent out on a reconnaissance mission to confirm the report. Unfortunately, while scouting the meeting location, they are discovered by the terrorists, possibly due to the periodic flashing of the IDIOTS onboard weapons light to confirm via facial recognition that the person holding the firearm is indeed the authorized user of the firearm. A firefight ensues with the U.S. troops gaining the upper hand in short order aided by the automatic laser and optical targeting systems of their advanced weapons but somewhat hampered by the automatic aiming system’s proclivity to adjust the point of impact on the targets to less-than-lethal shots to avoid unnecessary loss of life. One of the more useful features IDIOTS provides is an ongoing ammo count providing an audio message as well as a visual indication in the optical targeting system that a magazine change for their weapon is indicated. While some critics point out the ‘magazine change’ indicator in the optical targeting system (as well as the ‘check maintenance’ light) sometimes obscures the target and interrupts the shot this minor inconvenience must be balanced against the benefit of IDIOTS telling the troops when they are running out of ammunition. Some of the terrorists flee the site and the U.S. forces are given approval to follow and capture/neutralize them. While the U.S. forces are in better physical condition, they are somewhat taxed by the weight and quantity of the advanced equipment IDIOTS requires them to carry and the terrorists are, literally, running for their lives. Never-the-less after a grueling chase the U.S. forces close with the terrorists and prepare to engage. Regrettably in the frenzy of the hot pursuit the U.S. forces have moved outside their area of operation but happily the GPS feature provided by IDIOTS detects this error and the subsequent change in the rules of engagement and deactivates their weapons preventing what could easily have become an embarrassing international incident.

As you can clearly imagine the above three scenarios illustrate only a fraction of the sweeping changes IDIOTS can accomplish.

On a political note if IDIOTS become the mandatory law of the land, in a tacit admission that gun control laws do not, have not and, indeed, can not prevent criminals from getting guns, IDIOTS guns could be sold without background checks or restrictions and their cost could be subsidized by the government to encourage their use, making us all, especially the children, safer.

I think it’s an understatement to say that IDIOTS will have a huge impact on the firearms community.

I trust members of this forum will, as they have in the past, give this post all the consideration it deserves.