Insurance Denied Gun Defendants In Cities Law Suits

It's all nothing more than a shakedown like the tobacco industry. Who's next? the auto,liquor,fast food, or some other poor mother that gets choosen?
It is abbsolutely imoral and if not against the letter of the constitution the certainly against the intent of the constitution! No government has the right to sue any business.
Even when the "smoking gun" memo's proved the tobacco industry sold a product they new was harmful,when used as intended,I said,"We're setting a very dangerous precedent here." Now everybody realizes how dangerous it was, even the folks using the door it opened know it's bad, they just feel it's ok as long as their trampling on someone elses toes! How can the same government who claims personal lawsuit settlements are getting out of hand, turn around and level unbelievably huge lawsuits at legitimate businesses?
The way for us to handle this mess is to snow our elected officials under with indignant condemnation of this type of back door politics, we need to explain to other people that this is not just a gun issue, the lawyers have tasted the honey and they won't stop until they've bankrupted every industry in the country one at a time. Yes the auto industry is the next likely target, then breweries, and on and on.
I hate to say it, but we need a law specificly making it unlawful for any government, federal, state, etc. to sue any business! It's to big a pandora's box to leave open!

David L. Blackburn
I had understood that the SAF was bringing lawsuits against the mayors who were sueing the gun manufacturers. However, I haven't seen any action. It seems that all the pro gun organizations, including the NRA, are long on talk and short on action. In the meantime the gun manufacturers keep caving in in one way or another. Jerry
Unless, and until, the tobacco, food, gun, alcohol, auto, and any other high buck, high profile industry get together and form their own NATO, they will be picked off one by one until the cow is dry and America has no manufacturing base whatsoever.
We can't make business form a NATO (North ?American? Treaty Organization) but we can remember which legislators participated in such mischief and vote the buggers out of office. Isn't that why we are still "permitted" to have elections?