Instructor recommendation: PAT GOODALE

Covert Mission

New member
I can highly recommend a firearms trainer I've just taken two advanced pistol classes with. His name is PAT (Patrick) GOODALE. I have taken several courses with Gabe Suarez and some others, so I have some perspective. Let me add that this is not a paid advertisement: I paid for his classes, and he doesn't know I'm posting this endorsement. I am lucky: he comes here to Montana where I live 3-4 times a year, so I'll be studying with him in the future.

The classes I took are his Level II & III Defensive Pistol courses. We worked intensively on multiple targets, CQB pistol, use of cover, shooting on the move and from every conceivable position, malfunction and failure-to-stop drills, lots of work on strong/weak hand, including lots of one-hand/two-hand clearance/malfunction drills (using a proprietary method which works very well, btw), accuracy vs speed, precision shooting, weapon retention and shooting from retention postions, movement and room clearing techniques and flashlight use. You get the idea... high speed, low drag.

Goodale is a retired US Marine Corps Special Ops and Intelligence officer, Weapons and Tactics instructor, and combat veteran. He currently trains military and police units, and civilians. He has trained at Thunder Ranch, Chapman Academy, Yavapai Academy (Lou Auerbuck, with whom Pat teaches), Gunsite, API, USMC Weapons & Tactics instructors' course, USMC High Risk Personnel course, and is certified by or a member of IALEFI, ASLET, NRA Instructor, National Tactical Officers' Assn, Police Marksman Assn, etc. In addition, he does private/corporate security for very high profile clients.

His teaching style is thorough, concise, and highly articulate, without ego, dogma, BS, or guru attitude. In other words, highly professional, as you might expect from a Marine officer and Southern gentleman.

He also offers various rifle classes: tactical, general, and precision (a very technical and demanding course, I'm told), in addition to combat shotgun. He has a home range in VA/W.VA which I've not seen, but which sounds good... it has a shoot house, moving targets, lots of steel, etc. The DSS (State Dept Security teams) have used it for training.

I recommend Pat without reservation, and he travels, in addition to teaching at home in W. VA. Contact info:
PATRICK GOODALE/Practical Firearms Training
Covington, VA
Phone/Fax: Ph- 540/559-3074 F- 540/559-4151
Cheers, Pat Downs (aka Covert Mission)