INS agent supposedly DID have his H&K on Safe during the Elian seizure

At least according to "official" government sources.

This came out at the very end of an article filed yesterday afternoon by Reuters news service.

I would LOVE to get a look at the original AP photos.... I've yet to find a picture of this on the web that is distinct enough, even after being run through the software I have available to me, that shows the safety position.
Who cares? It still isn't a safety lock and if somebody pointed a cocked-and-locked 1911 at me I wouldn't ask if the safety was on, I'd ask them to point it elsewhere.
The time difference between having the safety off and pulling the trigger and flicking the safety off as you pull the trigger is insignificant. I haven't tried it with a MP-5, but with an AR there really is no difference.
No flame intended but whether or not the safety was engaged is sooo far from being the issue. Really, where he had the weapon pointing is not the issue.

The issue is: The only reason to go in with this kind of force is put an immediate stop to an immediate threat of life.
Not the case here. The case here is "Because we told you so and since we have the MIGHT we have the RIGHT".

Further, if there WAS a risk element that could be triggered by their entry, then why on earth would they enter? The situation was not unstable... why risk intiating instability? That IS NOT LE's job....

...or at least it never USED to be.

Don't let the DOJ or the media shift your focus to the incidentals.
I have a photo that took off the net and enlarged.Its grainy but I can see the white for the S on the right side and the white for the indicater line.The line is horizontal.
Looking at my pics of a MP 5 this would place the safety in the E position not the S position.The third position is the F position which I assume is the full auto position.Not having ever handled a MP 5 I have to go by the pictures I have in my reference books.This is my opinion but I think I am right.As far as the position of switch not being important I think it is.When part of a story is a lie and you can prove it,the whole story is then suspect.

We have a criminal jury system which is superior to any in the world;
and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding twelve men
every day who don't know anything and can't read.
-Mark Twain
The photos I have seen in newspapers show the safety at Safe position. I have seen and used MP5.

Rule #2 is what?

Sing along, now: "Never let your muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy" (italics mine)

Who cares if safeties are on when muzzles are pointing right at the Fourth Amendment? This overeagerness to deploy "tactical teams" at the drop of a hat has got to stop!

I crap you negative, this is one legacy of the "War on The" that will haunt us for years to come.

"..but never ever Fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and Bullets."
10mm: It's not the size of the Dawg in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!

[This message has been edited by Tamara (edited April 29, 2000).]
Tamara, you are absolutely right about rule #2, but the topic here was if the safety was on or not.

I agree with you that instead of SWAT teams "softer" measures should be used in cases like this. I don't understand why didn't they have an officer without a gun in his/her hand to take the child, but a guy with MP5 had to do it. Anyway, I don't believe that officer deliberately meant to put the child in danger.
