Input regarding Machine Gun Shoots


New member
Ladies and gentlemen,

Questions for those who have attended machine gun shoots, such as Knob Creek.

What did you like about the machine gun shoots?

What did you not like?

What could the organizers have done to make your experience more enjoyable?

If you were to start a machine gun shoot, what would you want to be included in the shoot? What do you not want to be included?

At the end of the experience, what were your general thoughts? Would you want to go back? Why?
I have been a spectator at KCR several times and shot in the competitions there. I have been a shooter on the line at the Southern Ohio Machine Gun Shoot twice.

What did you like about the machine gun shoots? Well... I guess it was the shooting of machine guns, tannerite and old cars to shoot at.

What did you not like? How close we were to others on the line. One year at SOMGS my neighbors had a Browning M2HB. Now that's an awesome gun to behold but being six feet away from it's muzzle blast gets old real quick.
Another year my neighbors had two M16 lowers and about a half dozen uppers that they were changing out like a belt-fed gunner would change barrels. Their mag dumps were constantly throwing brass into our 10 x 10 area. We found a tarp and hung it up to stop the brass showers.
Not having each shooter station right freaking next to each other would have prevented both issues.

What could the organizers have done to make your experience more enjoyable? Given each shooter group a clearly marked area on the line. Rather than setting up first come first serve, starting at the left and get in as close as you can.

If you were to start a machine gun shoot, what would you want to be included in the shoot? What do you not want to be included? The shoots I have been to seem to have a decent formula. Tannerite, old cars, firefighters and paramedics on hand. (tracers are fun but sometimes they start to many fires)

What I don't want included? Children shooting rental guns. Two cases from the news: A little boy shot himself in the head with a rented Micro Uzi. A little girl shot a man with a rented Mini Uzi. I watched a boy who was unable to control a HK g36k one year. He put several rounds over the berm. I know there are a few 10 year olds out there who were raised around guns like these. Most weren't. Putting a full auto in a kids hands so their father can take pictures and holler "That's my boy" is flirting with disaster and nothing more. ...If the gun is tripod mounted and unable to swing around / go into anti-aircraft mode, I can see letting kids shoot it. But children have no business shooting a AK74SU or a HK G36K or a Micro Uzi. Just because it fits their little hands doesn't mean they will be able to control it!!!

At the end of the experience, what were your general thoughts? Would you want to go back? Why? The shoots I have been to seem to be a spectacle put on by a gun shop to draw customers. Yeah I'll go back but I think they could be better organized.
I don't much like being a spectator... if I can't get trigger time at such an event (with reasonable ammo/rental expenses - I don't much like free-loaders either), then I'd rather just shoot my semis.

I had minimal trigger time on an M16 when I was in the service, just not much cause for a Computer Maintenance troop to shoot more than the annual qual (though I did have some friends in Security Police that let me shoot a bit more :D ).

I shot a BAR, Thompson, and both .30 and .50 Brownings.... way back when I was a kid and my Dad was an instructor at Pendleton's rifle range (hint: there was still a regular ferry to Coronado back then).

This would all be moot, if Mike Dillon would just adopt me. :cool: :D