
very nice, did the city water dept. leave a skid of plumbers lead on the street some where ?

Another source if you can find it is your telephone company has bars of wiping solder usually 60/40 lead/tin.

I just made 80 bars of Lyman #2 from all the scrap lead I have collected for the last few months.
the tire shops around here just give it to me, doesnt hurt that i show up in an ambulance, that makes people a little more generous when i'm in uniform.
Nice stack of lead!

No fair using the company car!

I can't use mine. :o
You're 7 short of a pyramid.

Now here's a bit of lead!


Back of the Saturn heading home for the casting pot.

oh snuffy, will you marry me? i am uber jealous, i want to have at least 1klbs before the 2014 mid-terms. i have a feeling that bullet craziness will ensue once again before and,hopefully not after(but of course i was suprised after 2012, so who knows), the elections.

p.s. after seeing how shiny your lyman molded ones are, im going to get a mold asap.

p.s.s. your saturns gotta be draggin the ground!!!
p.s. after seeing how shiny your lyman molded ones are, im going to get a mold asap.

The Lyman molds drop pretty ingots.
I run Lyman and Lee molds side-by-side, and the Lee ingots always look like crap, in comparison.

Snuffy... tisk tisk. You overloaded your station wagon, AND had a flammable gas pressure vessel inside the passenger compartment. ;)
p.s.s. your saturns gotta be draggin the ground!!!

Snuffy... tisk tisk. You overloaded your station wagon, AND had a flammable gas pressure vessel inside the passenger compartment.

Well garsh, it's a saturn vue AWD, pretty tough vehicle. It DID sort of ride a bit smoother while that lead was in there.;) I sure didn't do any road courses while it was thusly loaded. I estimated it to be ½ ton.

The beauty of the lyman ingot molds is if you fill them on a level surface, you can fill up to-the-top creating a 5 pound connected ingot. Or fill each
individual ingot for 4-1# ingots.



Oh and the propane tank was empty, headed to the gas station to get a full one. We went through about 10 of them to do a ton of that range lead.


Well garsh, it's a saturn vue AWD, pretty tough vehicle. It DID sort of ride a bit smoother while that lead was in there. I sure didn't do any road courses while it was thusly loaded. I estimated it to be ½ ton.
Okay, okay. That's not quite as bad.

I always enjoy driving my truck, just a bit more, when it has 400-500 lbs in the bed. It mellows it out quite a bit. Instead of doing the "buckboard bounce", it rides more like the a half-ton.
snuffy, you got an awesome set-up sir. i just got home from "work"n someone was nice enough to give me another 100lbs of weights. it looks like almost 100% lead too, my last one was less than 50%. i need to start carrying a bigger bucket, my 5gallon broke.

where in the world do you get those huge chunks of Lead!!??!!


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where in the world do you get those huge chunks of Lead!!??!!

Those were, well all the lead was from my gun clubs indoor range. The 45 degree steel baffle deflects the bullets into a sand trap. Those "lead logs" were from the very bottom of the steel plates, the bullets slide down to get jammed into the corner. Welding or cold fusing into a log. Those in the pot were mostly .22 rimfire lead, the 4 position shooters when prone shooting, the targets are only a foot off the floor.


Next time you have range lead to mine, give me a holler so you don't wreck that Saturn. I'm just down the road.

Sadly, that source has dried up. The indoor range went through a major make-over. I asked if they needed help "getting rid of" the lead built up in the bullet trap, before the re-building. It hadn't been mined for at least 20 years. Now, they have some lead recycler come up to mine it once a year, club gets quite a good bunch of $$$ from it.
Can't find any free lead around here. Everybody and their brother is buying it. Or has a contract with a recycler. Thought of using Local Craigslist Advertizement page once. But that idea was long thought of before me too. Like so many others I have to buy my lead from a gracious seller. Which I don't mind doing so long as I can get some > I'm happy.

well even though that source has dried up, depending on your age, you might be set-up for life. looks like you have close to a ton. whats that? about 50k bullets? actually, prob more like 100k
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Actually,437 gr per oz adds up fast.that would be approx. two .44 or .45 bullets,so maybe 30 per lb.