Infuriating web page

That's the thanks we get for protecting their First Amendment rights.

May these idiots all inherit 10 thousand dollars.
May they but 10 thousand mansions with that 10 thousand dollars.
May each of those mansions have 10 thousand bedrooms.
May they toss with a malarial fever from bed to bed for 10 thousand centuries.
Paul B.
Well, the Email address is Keep up a steady stream of polite notes pointing out the inherent fallacies...
I think I am going to buy one of their "It's the guns, stupid!" T-shirts and wear it while open-carrying in AZ.
Their bumper sticker would look good next to my "Driver carries only $20 worth of ammo" bumper sticker...

Humans for Common Sense, my arse.
My email to their contact address:

It's not the guns

I am a gun owner.

I've never shot anyone, intentionally or otherwise, thank (insert name of your deity here).

I had nothing to do with the geeks in Littleton or Conyers. I didn't even know them.

I have nothing to do with *real* criminals being turned loose to kill again and again.

I bear and claim no responsibility for what an incredibly small percentage of losers do with their guns. Do you feel responsible for child pornographers doing what they do? Of course not; that would be silly.

So, please, in the name of common sense, leave us alone. Stop trying to blame 80,000,000 of us for the actions of a depraved few. Stop trying to make 80,000,000 of us defenseless against criminals.

And please, realize that people have been killing each other without guns since we arrived on the scene. Guns are not the problem; people are.

Coinneach Fitzpatrick
Here is my effort <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Subject: It's the guns
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:10:18 -0500
From: Hank Lampe <>

Did you know that according to statistics gathered by Gary Kleck of the
Florida State University School of Criminology that 1,094,669 criminal
attacks have been stopped by firearms since the beginning of 1999?

Have you ever considered if some of the innocents in these incidents had
been armed themselves that the crazies could have been taken out of
action before so much mayhem occurred?

It's the lack of self respect and respect of others stupid. That would
be the name for my campaign.

Respectfully, Hank Lampe

BTW I got a email back almost right away from his site thanking me for my message and wanting to know where I heard about his page.
I may have to let him know!

