info on m24/47 mausers


New member
Hello all!

So I've been bitten by the milsurp bug a bit. I've recently run into a m24/47 mauser at gander mountain for 250.00 looks in good shape: still covered in grease.

To be honest I know little about these rifles for even the 8x57 caliber.

Is that a decent price? Anything I should look for on the rifles? Anything I should be aware of about owning and shooting these rifles?

Thank you all for any help!
I'll let others comment on the price. The Yugo 24/47 is not a standard Model 98 Mauser action. The breech setup is different, and the action is shorter than the VZ-24 or K.98k. That means that bolt parts, like the firing pin, won't interchange and some scope mounts won't fit. It also means that installing a new barrel is a somewhat different operation if one were to want to do that.

The reason is that when Yugoslavia became a nation after WWI, they bought rifles and the machinery to make them from FN in Belgium, which had obtained from Mauser the rights, not to the Model 1898, but to an earlier, and in some respects, better, design.

The 24 is the original Belgian/FN designation for rifles sold to Yugoslavia and was also used by the latter nation for guns made in the 1920's and 1930's in Yugoslavia. The 47 is the year those rifles were refurbished and updated. The Model 48 is the same design, except made from scratch starting in that year.

That being said, the 24/47 is a good rifle. The 8x57js is an excellent cartridge, used by Germany and other nations in two world wars and in much fighting since. It is the same cartridge used in the German K.98k, and is available from many sources. In power it is fully equal to (if not better than) the .30-'06. Don't let anyone confuse you by bringing up the old 8mm cartridge and talking about the 8x57j. The 24/47 and 48 were made and chambered for the 8x57js with the .323" bullet diameter.

Given the current prices it's not a bad price, not great but no terrible either.
If you are looking to get a mauser-type rifle and don't want pay K98 prices it's the way to go (IMHO). I bought a Yugo 24/47 several years ago (still have it):
They are great shooters, you will enjoy it. Make sure you do an A+ job removing ALL the grease, especially deep inside the bolt. If you don't, the grease may slow up the works enough so that you will get misfires.