Info needed on my Makarov


I just recently traded my Beretta U22 Neos INOX for a Makarov. Mine based off what i've extensively read on is a Russian Military issue Mak. Has the Russian symbol and marked 1968 (within date range of the military issued guns), fixed sights, and stamping indicating it was imported in from bulgaria by CAI. What is the estimated worth of this gun (bluing is 98%) and what would be a good way for me to conceal this on myself? I am looking into getting a CHL and I'm 6'1" and 155lbs. I am pretty thin so i'm having trouble thinking of a good way to carry this concealed, most people suggest more clothing but i'm in Texas and don't favor heatstroke. Also, this gun is in great condition, no wear of the bluing except for where the safety rubs so i want a holster that will cause the least wear to its finish.
I am in the same situation during warmer-weather months down here on this Texas barrier island: Heat and humidity big-time (and corrosive salt air to boot). Much like Hawaii here (but not as nice).

The ONLY comfortable way for me to carry -- I'm talking about CC since OC is not legal in TX -- AND to avoid a holster/gun getting wet/damaged from sweat is to carry using an ankle-holster (boot-cut jeans preferred for less 'printing' problems). Have experienced no issues with holster or gun re: sweat ankle carrying... but then again, most people don't have sweat issues with their ankles anyway! ;-)

[Please, I'm not here to argue about ankle-carry being "slow" -- it sure beats leaving it in the car or at home -- and I am very used to it as well as accessing the gun. It works for me, others can do what they prefer.]

Anyway -- and FYI -- for the last 15 years or so I've used ankle-holsters made of black nylon (specifically, Uncle Mike's Sidekick brand holsters) which are VERY comfortable for all-day carry. I have two: An Uncle Mike's (UM's) size # 10 ankle holster for my smaller Beretta 21A and a larger UM's Size # 1 ankle holster for my Zastava M88 (a compact 9mm)...which is as large a gun I can carry in that position. A smaller Makarov-sized gun would also do well there (on my other ankle, I carry 2 spare mags -- in a old spare UM's ankle-holster of course!).

So, I suggest you (1) consider ankle-carry and (2) look at the Uncle Mike's lineup of ankle-holsters...unless you want to spring for a VERY nice looking $253 Kramer's ankle-holster...but being leather, won't dry out as easily if it gets wet (like if you're caught in the rain).

Good luck,

--John D.
Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. I had been completely overlooking an ankle holster due to the fact that I assumed most people used them for BUGs only. I think if wear moderately heavier collared shirts like those used at retail stores for their employees, I should be able to use a shoulder strap. Those shirts tend to billow out on the sides a bit and would be manageable. In the end it will probably come down to price of the holster and comfort. Thanks again for the suggestion, I'll look into their line of ankle holsters.
You're welcome.

Aside from the heat/humidity (sweat) issues, ankle-carry is the only place I can CONCEAL carry COMFORTABLY. And re: humidity issues, down here on the Gulf Coast (literally, the Gulf is across the street) during the Summer, any store receipts I carry in a shirt pocket get damp and sometimes even wet (the ink runs!)! So why would I want to subject my gun and IWB/SOB holster to that kind of dampness -- let alone how uncomfortable it'd be?

Now were we allowed OC here in TX, I could carry larger guns such as my 1911, and of course, do so comfortably as it would not be in a IWB/SOB holster under a shirt/belt but in the open...not subject to getting sweaty or pinching/gouging me every time I'd sit down. If a gun is not comfortable to carry, I (and like most people) won't carry it and it stays at home or in the car. Not good.

Keep in mind, however, that due to the location of your ankle (at the other end of your body!), your situational awareness must be upgraded because you need to see trouble coming in order to get to your gun BEFORE something happens, as it IS farther away to get to than one in the IWB/SOB be more aware of your surroundings to give you that heads up/lead time. Also remember that the larger/heavier the gun is you carry down there, the more RUNNING with it becomes an issue...but at my age, I can't do much running anyway, so for me, that's not a dealbreaker for me re: ankle-carry. Let the criminal do the running. Or not. Doesn't matter.

Otherwise, it just takes getting used to carrying that way.

In my case, my ankle-carry guns (Beretta 21A .22LR, Beretta 3032 .32ACP, S&W Chief's Special .38SPL, Zastava M88 9mm) are so comfortable down there I sometimes forget they are there....which CAN be embarrassing (at the very least) or worse -- such as forgetting you ARE carrying and going to a courthouse (with metal detectors present) or seeing a friend off at the airport (don't ask me how I personally know this). Oooops...

Yes, ankle-carry usually IS for BUGs (yet not something written in stone, is it), but it is MY only way to carry here in TX, not only during the warmer months but I prefer it all year long. A gun MUST be ON you at all times, so carry it in whatever way accomplishes that.

Also, I do not dress with shirts hanging outside my belt nor do I care for those 'old man' shirts (like the Guayaberas) just to CC using an IWB/SOB holster...but then, we're back to Square 1 because of the heat and humidity and UNcomfortable carry that way -- for ME. So ankle-carry is again MY best choice...especially sans any OC options open to me.

Whatever, in hot/humid climates, ankle-carry works for me and my gun goes EVERYWHERE with me EVERYTIME I leave home. That's how it should be HOWEVER you choose to carry.

-- John D.

P.S. If you want 'upscale' ankle-holsters, check out ankle-holsters like the Kramer at A bit pricey for me though, and my Uncle Mike's are serving me well.
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