Info for Military tactics - large scale


New member
Friends, I'm looking to invade a country (hypothetically, of course, although the idea will likely alarm the Echelon and Carnivore folks :D ) and need to brush up on military tactics. Can anyone suggest a couple of good books?

Ideas for conquest are also appreciated.
conquer canada. Damn Socialists and i cant be to hard. I hope to have my own country and name it Hallland. <my last names hall>
Occupying a country is easy, defeating one is harder

You should try The Sling and the Stone: On War in the 21st Century. It tells how to defeat an enemy once their army is defeated. If you need to figure out how to defeat the army, read books by Douglas MacGregor. He also has ideas on how to defeat the post-conflict insurgency.
For small unit tactics, try "The last hundred yards".

For larger units, theres more on concepts vice how-to's. I'd read FM 1-1, the Marine manual on maneuver warfare.
Look up the OKW documents and interviews the US army intelligence people did of captured Wehrmacht field commanders.
Might also read the memiors of Zhukov and the like....
At least if your reference is to the invasion of industrial states.