Indiana 'shall-issue'


New member
Hello everybody. I am in need of info concerning Indiana's carry situation. I know it's regarded as a 'shall-issue' state, and I've read their laws on the subject. But some things elude me. While the laws do say permits shall be issued, they are to be issued only to a 'proper person' with a 'proper reason', among other things. This sounds awfully discretionary, as I could find no specification of just what constitutes a 'proper reason'. Plus, fees are real low, and I found no mention of any training requirements. In all, it seems possibly a little too good to be true for a genuine 'shall-issue' state, as I know most of them to be. Any clarification/info from anyone in the know will, as always, be highly appreciated! Take care :)

At my insistance, my mother (who lives in Indiana.) got her permit a couple of years ago.
A proper person= No felonies, violent misdemeanors, drug or alcohol related busts.

Proper reason = self defense.(See Indiana State Constitution)

Yes, it really is that easy. So go get yours today! If you have more questions, go to your local gunshop, they'll have the skinny on the whole deal.

Your mind is your primary weapon.

Wow, that's excellent! I don't live in Indiana currently, but my wife and I have tentative plans to relocate to there in the future. If this happens, we will definitely have to take advantage of that situation!
I also have a few firearm-owning friends back there who are interested in perhaps getting permits.

Thanks for the reply...take care.

[This message has been edited by BAB (edited March 24, 1999).]
Bab have you checked on the states policy for issueing out of state permits? You may not have to wait till you move.
Indiana has been shall-issue since 1932, if I remember right. Because of that, the atmosphere surrounding CCW is pretty relaxed and we're free of most of those idiotic restrictions of what, where, & how to carry. My understanding of the "proper person" clause was that it would allow for the posibility of denying a license to a known, but not convicted criminal.
Yes, the reports here pretty much detail the current situation regarding shall issue of a License to Carry a Handgun in Indiana. Since the law has been changed little since it was origianlly adopted we do not have the mandatory training required in some states. We also do not have reciprocity on license with some of those same states.

And, we have to keep close watch on our leaders who know better then the rest of us and want to change Indiana's shall issue status for the "better".

Jim in IN

I know that there is no reciprocity btwn IN and AR, (my home now.), but as I understand it, IN will honor a CHL from a state that does require training.
No problemo amigo. Where in IN are you thinking about moving to?

Your mind is your primary weapon.
Thanks for all your responses! As mentioned, it's all highly appreciated!

Ken, I went to school at Purdue, West Lafayette campus. The area kinda grew on me...lot's of good memories and such. But I also like the southern Indiana landscape and climate...reminds me of my hometown area of Cincinnati. So where I move to will hinge mainly on where my wife and I can land decent jobs as to where exactly we end up in the state, and when. You've lived in IN before? If so, where?

Take care, all :)


[This message has been edited by BAB (edited March 29, 1999).]

I think the others covered Indiana's CCW pretty well. I have had an Indiana CCW since the early 70's and to the best of my knowledge Indiana honors all other state CCW's. The NRA web page has some good info on which states honor each others CCW's but be sure to check and make sure the laws have not changed before you act on the information.

John - NRA - Lifer

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Man, you guys are making me homesick! BAB, my dad used to be a prof at Purdue, and I grew up living in a big farmhouse in a glacial rift valley west of town. As far as southern Indiana, well, I went to IU . . . .

And I fondly remember going down to the Bloomington police station to get my permit. Nice folks, nary a problem. I live out here in NM now. Open carry's legal, but it's not like AZ where that sort of thing is approved of. Concealed carry is just a petty misdemeanor so everybody does it surreptitiously.

My brothers still live back there in the Hoosier state, on the banks of the Wabash, and it sure is civilized when it comes to guns. Everything else, too, now that I think about it.

Couldn't e-mail you, so:
I went to IU in Bloomington for nine months (G.I. course). I dormed at West Hall. Really liked the Bloomington area.
Got to see the inside of the courthouse one Friday night. Although the trooper and judge were extremely nice, can't say I cared for that so much.
Hot spots back then: 1) a cheap bar just west of the square, 2) a roller-skating rink southwest of town, 3) Smithwood Dorm!!!, and 4) the Commons.
Sorry Dennis! I thought that I had my e-mail visible, but I was wrong. It's corrected now. It's been pur near 11 years since I graduated from IU, and I'm embarrassed to say that those dorm names don't even ring a bell! Getting old, I guess.

I'll drop you a line.
Sorry Dennis! I thought that I had my e-mail visible, but I was wrong. It's corrected now. It's been pur near 11 years since I graduated from IU, and I'm embarrassed to say that those dorm names don't even ring a bell! Getting old, I guess.

I'll drop you a line.
yep, Indiana is a good state.

The CCW is no problem to get.
they have a hunting and target
license, too, but if someone is going
through the trouble, they might as
well get the whole CCW.

One additional feature that is very handy,
is that the CCW permit allows you to buy a
long arm or pistol without a waiting period
or waiting for the new FBI call-in check.
That's *very* handy.

Go Boilermakers.