Indiana, Rhode Island and Virginia Updates

Gary Slider

New member
Indiana – (Not Effective until July 1, 2022) The Governor has signed HB 1296 making Indiana the 24th state with Permitless Cary. Effective date for Permitless Carry: July 1, 20222 Any person 18 years of age or older who can legally possess a firearm under State and Federal Law can carry a handgun openly or concealed in the State of Indiana without a permit

Rhode Island – The U.S. District Court Rhode Island has struck down Rhode Island’s ban on stun guns. Rhode Island was the last state with a total ban on stun guns. You can read the ruling at

Virginia – TThe Governor has signed S 758 which removed Switchblade Knives as illegal weapons from Virginia law. This change did not remove all knives from the list of banned knives. You can read the Virginia bill at
Knife Rights has a good article about; “Knife Myths: The Switchblade Act Bans Owning & Carrying Automatics.” at
I wonder if the State of Rhode Island will appeal the ruling against their stun gun law.

I doubt it, since the Supreme Court already ruled 9-0 that another state's (MA?) ban on electronic stun guns was unconstitutional. :cool: