Indiana HB1176 and HB1028 both in trouble.


New member
Here are the two updates I've posted and emailed. The latst was today and it is listed at the bottom. Will post in a new thread. If you want to be included in this email list send me an email note to Do not save that email address because it will be shut down at the end of the month.

Update in the Senate for HB 1176.
First reading: referred to Committee on Rules and Legislative Procedure

HB 1176 needs a hearing in the senate. Indiana
Met with a few folks today. As I thought some of us have differences of opinion
in some areas. We all showed up and there where many who could not for many
different reasons. I have been somewhat discouraged in some ways as I have heard
very apathetic responces and the excuse:
Thanks, but I get all of the info I need from NRA and ISRPA.

I have spoken to NRA-ILA grass roots co-ordinator about the fact that there are
bills in the IN legislature above and beyond hb 1028. She did not have an answer
except that the NRA lobbiest in Indiana may not have comminicated beyond the
tunnel focus of Castle Doctrine legislation they braught a copy of from FL. Does
not seem to matter to the NRA that we in Indiana may have a lifetime liscense in
the works. I am speaking of HB 1176.
I made a search on line for isrpa and found something in Italy so I added
Indiana to the search and still no direct links to the organization or anything
to do with legislative updates.
Copied from email:Met with a few folks today. As I thought some of us have
differences of opinion in some areas. We all showed up and there where many who
could not for many different reasons. I have been somewhat discouraged in some
ways as I have heard very apathetic responces and the excuse:
Thanks, but I get all of the info I need from NRA and ISRPA.

I have spoken to NRA-ILA grass roots co-ordinator about the fact that there are
bills in the IN legislature above and beyond hb 1028. She did not have an answer
except that the NRA lobbiest in Indiana may not have comminicated beyond the
tunnel focus of Castle Doctrine legislation they braught a copy of from FL. Does
not seem to matter to the NRA that we in Indiana may have a lifetime liscense in
the works. I am speaking of HB 1176.
I made a search on line for isrpa and found something in Italy so I added
Indiana to the search and still no direct links to the organization or anything
to do with legislative updates.
Copied from email:
I just had a phone conversation with Rep. Woodruff and Sen. Nugent about HB
1176. It has not been scheduled for a hearing on the senate side yet.

Sen. Nugent tells me that the Chairman, Sen. Long, is troubled with the
"lifetime" language. He seems to be concerned what would happen if someone has a
lifetime permit and does something to have it revoked, how would it be done.
Well, it would be the same procedure if someone just received their four year
permit and a week later does something wrong. There's no difference.

I've told you before that I'm not too fond of Sen. Long when it comes to
standing strong for gun owners. What you all must do and I sincerely hope you
will and that is call Sen. Long's office Monday and politely request that he
give HB 1176 a hearing. Again the number is 1-800-382-9467, ask the operator to
put you into his office. I don't care what state you live in just call him. This
bill needs to get a hearing in the senate in the next few days.

Long has given HB 1028 a hearing which is unbelievable. That's Rep. Koch's bill
that would allow a citizen to use deadly force like Florida's Castle Doctrine
law. Yet Sen. Long has a problem with honest law abiding citizens having a
lifetime carry permit to exercise their Constitutional right.

Rep. Woodruff told that me tonight that he has a few more moves if the senate
doesn't co-operate, but it would be a whole lot better if they would.

If this becomes law it would be the first in the nation. Every legislator whose
name is associated with this will benefit from it. You would think that would
occur to Sen. Long.

There are about 130 recipients on this e-mail list. I hope that everyone one of
them and their spouse and their friends will call Sen. Long's office, too.
Especially everyone in the Ft. Wayne, IN area needs to make the call.

HB 1028, Rep, Koch's bill, I'm told, was a (NRA Bill). HB 1176 is an American
citizen gun owner bill. IT'S YOUR BILL. HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? Do you want the
hassle every 4 years from local law enforcement agencies who try to make it a
hardship for you to even apply for a permit? Maybe they don't want you to own a
gun. Maybe they don't like the medication you have prescribed. Maybe it's just
the way you look that doesn't appeal to them. There's countless reasons why they
might imagine that you ought not be allowed to exercise your right to keep and
bear arms. But a lifetime permit would put a lot of this aggravation behind you.


Jim and Margie
2nd Amendment Patriots

As many folks who can please let them know you want the bill to be acted on and
not die quietly in a comittee.
1028 will not be assigned to comittee
Indiana State Senator, District 41 Robert D. Garton is President Pro Tempore and
will not assigne this to comittee in the Senate. He does not like the Corp
restrictions on banning safe storage in locked vehicles on company property. He
is willing to assigne this to comittee if he gets a commitment to remove this
Corp restrictive language from the bill.
I got this directly from Sen J Nugent.

Give Garton and your own Sen a call urging this get assigned to comittee. We
want this included. Do you remember the suite in Oklahoma? Corporations do not
run the state of Indiana. Let's not let them start.

Last edited:
1028 moved to right committee

Edited to add: I understand this was a deal. More calls to Gartner's office to void the deal may work. Also with more cosponsors outside of this committee may result in offensive language to be recovered through an amendment on the Senate floor.
If you care please get your own Senator involved.

Noted by another concerned Indpls resident.
HB 1028

I was at the state house today. I got to meet and talk to Sen. Nugent, He said
Sen Garton who is the President of the senate, Is not going to assign the bill
to it's proper committee. Sen. Garton is going to souly prevent this bill from
passing unless we call his office. Sen. Nugent told me the bill would easily
pass the Senate if given a chance. Sen. Garton assigned the bill to the rules
committee were it will die unless we, the people of Indiana, tell him to let
this bill be heard. The House has spoken and passed this bill 82-18. Now Sen.
Garton is speaking for all of us by not allowing this bill to be heard. 30 out
of the 48 Democrats voted for it and all 52 Republicans voted for it in the

I also told Sen Nugent how everyone appreciates what he is doing for us. He
greatly appreciated it.



Pressure is needed and support for this bill must be communicated to all the
Senate. There is an update.

02/07/2006 S Senator Drozda added as cosponsor
02/07/2006 S Senators Hume, Waterman, Waltz, R. Meeks, Bray
and Hershman added as cosponsors
02/09/2006 S Reassigned to the Committee on Corrections,
Criminal, and Civil Matters

This is a good thing. I only hope this did not occur after concessions where
made that may cause a gutting of this bill. Again calls to your own senators are
in order. If deals where made and corp language removed from the bill maybe with
enough Senators on our side they can amend on the floor without reactions or
other internal conflicts in the senate. We need this committee left intact and

Gerald OBrien
in cooperation with the 2nd Amendment Patriots.