Independence Ammo, CCI or Federal?

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Ok I've been reading up a little on where people seem to think that Independence Ammo is from and honestly it's bringing up more questions then it's answering for me.

I saw that the conclusion was Magtec and there for from Brazil. I found this interesting since on the back of the box of .38 special 130 FMJ it says, quote:

"Ammuntion Accessories Inc., Lewiston, ID 83501 USA

Trademarks Reg. U.S Pat. Office
Made in the U.S.A/Fabrique Aux E.U."

end quote. So...are they just being sneaky/lazy and just saying it's made in the usa?

Also, the back of the box for the Independence Ammo is layed out almost identical to the box of Blazer Brass .38 special 125 FMJ The bar code is even in the same place along with the address matching. So what's the link to Federal Premium? CCI even has a link to Federal Premium's website from their own.

If I had to guess I would say that Federal/Federal Premium is a sister company or product line of CCI. Or it's the other way around perhaps.

Anyway, any insight on this would be much appreciated.
ATK is the parent company

As the title sugests, it would appear that ATK is the partent company of Federal, CCI and Speer

So I guess I have my answer in a general sort of way. Perhaps this will help the debate on where Independence ammo comes from. Put simply it ultimaly comes from ATK, but it makes one wonder which product line produces it since that would more determine where the caseings, primers, and bullets are from.

My guess is CCI, but who knows. Wouldn't it be nice if they just said who it's from on the box. >.>
Early Independence was from CBC - Magtech in Brazil, imported by ATK and distributed through Speer/CCI and Federal channels. As you see, it is now listed as Made in USA. Lewiston, ID is Speer's home base so I figure Ammunition Accessories Inc is an offshoot of Speer or CCI set up to market econo-ball under the Independence label.
Note from the link post above, ATK owns all of:

*Alliant Powder for reloaders and ammunition manufacturers
*CCI, Speer, Lawman, and Blazer ammunition; Speer bullets for reloaders
*Champion traps and paper, metal and clay targets
*Federal Premium, Fusion, and Estate Cartridge ammunition
*Gunslick and Outers gun care products
*Shooters Ridge rests, gear bags and speed loaders
*Ram-Line replacement stocks
*RCBS reloading equipment
*Weaver mounting systems

They are also, interestingly, the sole USA manufacturer of TNT!

They also have a plant, the "Lake City Army Ammunition Plant" which is located in Independence, Missouri.

Indeed, ATK is very large, I was suprised. I suppose saying Independence ammo is from ATK is like saying a private in the marines is led by the president of the united states, lol.

So over all there are many offshoots or product lines but are all eventually owned by the same people. These different offshoots/product lines do get their supplies from different places though so it's like they are a different company. And I would have to agree with the thinking of what works for you is what's best. Different guns probably like different ammo, and all that.

Anyway, thanks for the help.
Independence manufacturer

Did any of you folks look at the head stamp on the cartridges? It clearly says "SPEER". Does that answer your questions?
Did any of you folks look at the head stamp on the cartridges? It clearly says "SPEER". Does that answer your questions?

Speer might have provided the brass but that doesn't mean the other cartridge components are made by them. The ammo that I make has headstamps from all the different manufacturers, the bullets can be from any one and the powder...well you get the picture.
whcoyote said:
Did any of you folks look at the head stamp on the cartridges? It clearly says "SPEER". Does that answer your questions?
There's nothing like dredging up a zombie thread to disseminate erroneous information.

The range where I shoot sells a LOT of Independence ammo as range fodder. The headstamps do NOT say "Speer." The headstamp is a capital letter 'I' between two stars or asterisks:

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