Incredibly stupid Part 2

I've seen many videos where young males do incredibly idiotic things and try ridiculous stunts. It's hard to feel bad when things go wrong. I hate to say it, but it's almost disappointing that the vest worked.
forget the stupid vest trick, shooting a handgun with a concrete backdrop only 10 feet away is just asking to get hurt. Whats worse is the sh*tty music they "rocked" in the background in a vain attempt to make their idiotic actions seems even "cooler." Where do you find those kind of videos Capt Charlie? I'm just not "hip" enough I guess :p
At a site called "The File Cabinet". ( ). They actually have some pretty cool (sorry, I'm a 50's guy :p ) stuff on there occasionally, and then there's this kind of stuff. Anything goes there. Fortunately for us, that kind of stupidity tends to be self-eliminating :D .
I am totaly amazed

"forget the stupid vest trick, shooting a handgun with a concrete backdrop only 10 feet away is just asking to get hurt."
You know "cosmolinelover" that same thought went through my mind until one of these BRIGHT YOUNG men stood in front of another bright young man and took a round in the chest.
Then shooting a 223 at a concret wall at 10 feel diddnt look so dumb any more.
I hope the anti-gunners dont get hold of this film, it could be used to talk people into making guns impossible to get (which for these dum a--'s would be a good thing).
I wonder if they left out the part about when the gun diddnt go off so one of these bright young men held the gun up to there face, looked down the barrel and pulled the trigger to see what went wrong.
With stupid people like these, would we really be out that much?
If I saw my soldiers doing that, I would take the AK, clear it, then buttstroke them within an inch of their lives.

Every large organization is going to have a few complete idiots in it.

Edit: If it has an Army Safety Center case number on it, you can be assured it was definitely not rigged. They only get called in for real deaths and serious injuries.
Well what strikes me as the funniest thing about that video is that the title says bullet proof vest test and that is by no means bullet proof that is a frag vest. Those are used primarilly in trainning like basic and if the interceptors are all taken by deploying units.You can find those all day long in pawn shops and army navy surplus stores around post,for $50,they are almost as bad as the chicken vest we are issued. I have all three here at the house if anyone wants to see the differences I know the camera man kinda sucked but I can show you guys if you want.
Tell me my eyes were deceiving me!!! I sure hope those people don't have kids.

I think there needs to be a common sense test when it comes to buying firearms!
I would post some kind of reaction to all these videos but I'm pretty sure the forum rules prevent such colorful language. If we're voting on the level of stupidity involved the soldiers with the AK-47 take first place IMO. ALL of the stuff was incredibly idiotic, but long range with a rifle just makes it so much worse. I mean, the best case scenerio there is that an armor plate gets torn out of your hands by a high velocity rifle round - even success would be painful. What else can I say :barf:
The first video is kinda scary until you really LOOK at it. There's almost no indication of the bullet impact on the vest when the guy is wearing is. Unlike when they were shooting at it on the "stand". Yeah, the little paper "target" tag flutters off, but it looks more like the round only used the primer to push the bullet instead of a full powder charge.

The second video is obviously a fake. After the FIRST shot the dust from the impact with the ground is clearly seen low and to the left almost immediately afterwards. In the second shot, the "idiot" holding up the target waits almost 4 seconds to "fall down". No dust impact anywhere on his body/clothes to indicate a hit. The "fall" is obviously fake drama too.

As for the .357 clip - all I can say is that these 2 guys are REALLY stupid but the "risk" would be less than you'd think. The distance was fairly close (looks to be about 15-20 feet), the aim point was dead level with the shooters stance and the gun powerful enough to carry a flat trajectory without shooting low. Still a pretty stupid thing to do though.