Incredible idiocy....Drunk, stoned father kills son while illegally turkey hunting


New member

Words fail me.

Check out the PDF of the official complaint against him, too.

The Belle Plaine man who fatally shot his 8-year-old son while turkey hunting last month had alcohol and marijuana in his system at the time of the incident, according to a criminal complaint filed Monday in Sibley County.

Anthony Klaseus mistook his son, Hunter, for a wild turkey last month and shot him in the chest with a 12-gauge shotgun, according to police.

When officials arrived at the scene, they smelled alcohol and asked Klaseus if he had been drinking.

Klaseus stated he had consumed one beer several hours earlier in the day and agreed to take a preliminary breath test. Klaseus tested with a BAC of .060.

Investigators searched Klaseus vehicle and found several 12-packs of beer and several empty bottles and cans. They also found a marijuana pipe, which had freshly burnt marijuana residue inside.

After urine tests, Klaseus was found with an ethyl alcohol concentration of .05 grams. The sample was collected three hours after the time of the shooting. Tests regarding the exact amount of marijuana in Klaseus' system will be released in the next few weeks.

Klaseus is charged with second-degree manslaughter, reckless discharge of a firearm, trespassing, and hunting without a license.

If convicted, Klaseus faces over 15 years in prison, a $32,000 fine, or both.
I say we skip the legal system on this one.

Let the dead child's mother have at him with a baseball bat while his chained down and unable to run or defend himself.

Yes, I understand that cruel and unusual punishment is supposed to be prohibited, but how about considering how the kid's mom feels right now.

If moron wasn't behind bars she would probably have at him anyway...assuming she was a decent and caring mother.

Besides, the new U.S. policy allows for torture of prisoners anyway. Ask any terrorist suspects.
hey. I oughta send the guy a "Thank You" letter.
"Thank You, for removing yourself from the gene-pool."

He didn't remove himself. He removed his son. He faces up to twenty years in prison.

He has plenty of time left to procreate after his time is served.

Unless he is immediately executed, he is always going to be a threat to humanity. It isn't likely that he will get any smarter behind bars. And then they will turn his dum-bass loose.

Killing stupid people as quickly as is for the children.
You have to be drunk and stoner to mistake anything but a turkey for a turkey.

You would think so and no doubt it probably helped, but that isn't the only hunting/turkey event this year yet...

POLK COUNTY, Fla. -- A camouflaged hunter sitting in a tree was accidentally shot and killed Friday by another hunter trying to shoot a turkey, according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office.

Investigators said Michael Shane Hasting, 40, was hunting with his 6-year-old son at the River Ranch Acres Hunt Club Friday and spotted a turkey.

Hasting fired at the turkey and moved forward to see if he hit the bird. He then discovered that he accidentally shot Randall Williamson of Pompano Beach.

Williamson was in the wooded area sitting in what is known as a squatter's chair and wearing camouflage clothing and mesh over his face, according to a Polk County sheriff's news release. He was also holding a camouflage shotgun.

I get a kick out of all the threads we have on protection from wolves, mountain lions, and bears when in reality, those three threats combined harm and kill fewer people (hunters and general population combined) than hunters kill and harm hunters and people in hunting parties. Most of these hunting events are due to incompetence, such as both of the mistaken turkey examples above. Morons.

Detectives are treating the incident as an accidental shooting and no charges will be filed, according to officials.
One does need to remember that marijuana stays detectable in your system for a long time. For all we know it could have been a week ago that he had his last hit. I'd say he was probably just drunk with detectable amounts of marijuana in his system.
Somehow, I am guessing that if he was willing to be drinking while hunting and had a pipe in the car with marijuana residue, he very well could have been getting stoned while hunting or before hunting. There is nothing in this story that indicates he is a responsible hunter or father.

That is a LOT of beer for him and his 8 year old boy to have on hand, don't you think?

Klaseus stated he had consumed one beer several hours earlier in the day and agreed to take a preliminary breath test. Klaseus tested with a BAC of .060.

If he weighed 15 lbs, that might be credible, but he probably weighed more like 150 lbs and his body would metabolize that beer in about an hour. Given the time delay between the incident and when his BAC was taken, about 3 hours, then he was drinking either a lot more beer or a lot closer to the time of the incident than claimed.

Going back and check blood alcohol tables (see Blowing a .06 means he still had about 2 beers in him if he weighs about 150 lbs. From the pic, that is probably a good guess, although it was an older pic of him and his boy. If he was 180lbs, he still had three beers in him. Being as the test was 3 hours after the incident, that means he had 5-6 beers in his system at the time of the shooting. That would place him in the category of being too drunk to drive - apparently too drunk to drive but not too drunk to hunt. Wonderful.

He was also hunting without a license.
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This is what the mother said avout the incident:

The family is heartbroken and have indicated that this is a very difficult time for them. Hunter's mom Amber communicated with KARE-11 News via email, describing the incident as a "terrible tragedy" and describing her husband, Tony, as "the safest hunter I know!"

It must be the only person she knows who goes hunting. This guy wasn't a hunter, he wa a person with a weapon in his hands who went out hunting. A hunter observes games laws and above all practices safety whenever handling a gun.
This guy wasn't a hunter, he was a person with a weapon in his hands who went out hunting.

Sadly, this describes too many hunters and sadly, his boy died because of it. Accidents can and do happen but this wasn't an accident. If you take the field after you've been drinking and you do something stupid, "accident" goes out the window. Hunting is a dangerous sport and I'm very careful with who I hunt with. I value hunting ethics and safety and this guy had neither.
Klaseus faces over 15 years in prison, a $32,000 fine, or both.
Also a lifetime of nightmares, waking up screaming, depression, guilt, profound regret, increased substance abuse, possible suicide... Can you imagine what it felt like when he found out what he'd actually shot? From that moment on, how many minutes could you go without thinking about that? Not very many. That horror would never fade.
A camouflaged hunter sitting in a tree was accidentally shot and killed Friday by another hunter trying to shoot a turkey,

How do you Mistake a person sitting in a tree for a wild turkey!?
do turkeys purch in trees? Thats a real question.
Actually, turkeys do in fact roost in trees. BUT, that is no excuse for shooting another human. It is a clear cut case of an untrained "hunter" shooting at anything that moves without properly verifying their target.

Terribly sad and tragic.

As to the drinking guy who shot his son, I firmly believe in public hanging.....
I feel bad for him. His entire world is destroyed and he can only blame himself. I can't imagine the profound horror he must have felt. It would feel unreal.
Guns and alcohol (or drugs) do not mix!

Always make sure of your target before you pull the trigger!

It sounded like he left the kid unattended. That little boy is pretty young to leave unattended in a woods or field. They can get scared or spooked. This guy had no idea where that kid was. Maybe the beer clouded his thinking on that as well. He made too many stupid decisions and it really cost him this time. But not as much as it cost his little boy. God Rest His Little Soul.

I'm imagining his punishment to be like scene with the King of France in Mel Brookes' History of the World. This guy's wife, when asked if she was upset with him because he killed their son, could answer, "Nonsense. He's my husband, I love him. PULL!" He gets launched by a catapult and she blasts him with his own "turkey" gun.
Let the dead child's mother have at him with a baseball bat while his chained down and unable to run or defend himself.

Im guessing the mother knew he was a drunk and smoked pot. She should be charged also for letting her son go with him in the first place.
What this guy did was stupid, no doubt. However, we had a mother in Minnesota who left her baby and 2 year old alone in the bathtub for more than 20 minutes while she shopped on line for shoes. The two year old came down and told her that something was wrong with her little sister. The mother ran to bathroom to find the little girl not breathing, at which point she called 911. It was too late.

I've already seen some of the local media make the hunting accident an issue of gun ownership. Yet, they don't mention anything about the negligent mother owning a computer and using the internet. In both cases, a young child died. To the media, the death by gunfire is worse than the drowning by neglect. I wonder why. Can you say "Agenda", boys and girls? Let's spell it; A G E N D A; Agenda. Very good. Now for our next word, LIBERAL.
I've already seen some of the local media make the hunting accident an issue of gun ownership. Yet, they don't mention anything about the negligent mother owning a computer and using the internet. In both cases, a young child died. To the media, the death by gunfire is worse than the drowning by neglect. I wonder why. Can you say "Agenda", boys and girls? Let's spell it; A G E N D A; Agenda. Very good. Now for our next word, LIBERAL.

Big time
Nowhere on the radio did they mention the now, to the non-hunting crowd, it looks like hunting is a problem they have to save the children...:rolleyes: