I'll assume you meant "increasingly high mortality rate" but were just gushing so to share your observations that you didn't pay much attention to the logic of your title in context of your post.
And yes, I posted this here because I felt that it be important the group discuss why things are being closed. Hence, the group can then learn what will be allowed and why.
Actually, you're quite wrong. It's not at all important that "the group" discuss "these things". See, no where in the agreement you signed did it say anything about "moderated by popular vote". It's only important that "the group" understand 4 simple rules and one general philosophy. Everyone else in this thread seems to have no problem and many are here for more than two whole weeks. (To the rest of you, your support is truly appreciated, especially in cases where you don't always agree with an individual action.)
So, while I can't give you an exhaustive list of what types of things I'll close, I'll just wing it:
- Off topic discussion
- Already ongoing in another thread discussions
- Abortion debates
- Religious debates
- Discussions with excessive foul language
- Race baiting
- Already been done to the point we wish to vomit discussions
- Discussions which are not discussions, but self serving proselytizing by the originator
- Discussions and debates which sink to a double digit IQ level, as measured by my super secret internal IQ meter
- Conservative baiting debates
- Liberal baiting debates
- LEO bashing discussions
- LEO chest thumping discussions
- Beating MY fellow citizens when they're down discussions
That's as many as I can say in one breath. If I come up with any more, I'll be sure to run them by you for input.
Oh, there is one more:
Self serving public discussions with Staff that could easily be handled by email.