Increased Gun Violence In Recent Weeks

As you all may have noticed there has been an increasing number of crazies going off with guns in the past month or so...

Do you think this will have any impact on DC v Heller, new gun laws, the Presidential election? Where could all of these recent events be coming from? More reporting of it?

Just a few to note...

Council meeting shooting 2/7/08

School Shooting (Husband kills wife then himself at home) 2/7/08

Another school shooting this morning (student kills two then herself) 2/8/08

Boy kills entire family in Maryland 2/1/08

there are more to list, but I think the point is clear...

any thougts or opinions?
I'm guessing the libs will grab onto these incidents as evidence we clearly need more gun control laws. In addition to the 20k+ ones we already have, I mean.
seasonal trend perhaps

there are a lot of indication that an increase in depression after Christmas is a cause of a number of suicides. Almost every one of these recent shoots is a revenge suicide combination. The guy with the gun never seems to have any kind of escape plan. They hang around till they commit suicide by cop.

Yes these will not help the RKBA side in the least. Probably will be used against the cause before the story fades into the past.

Once again I believe those of us on the RKBA side have to not allow our casue to get lost in some socially unsupportable set of statements. Within this past month I've read a few post that could easily illustrate my point. One example was a post where the poster promoted allowing students in HS to bring a self defence weapon to school. Then while at school they could check it into the office. Its every ones free speech to post what they want. I'd just prefer statements like that do not get into the media where they will only hurt the RKBA cause.
As you all may have noticed there has been an increasing number of crazies going off with guns in the past month or so...

Well color me obtuse but i did not notice , nor did i draw any direct connectetion with Heller . Looks to me like SSDD As long as we dont lock up/medicate crazy folk they are gonna go on and kill other folk . I seem to remember that when one psyco did it by auto , there was not only not a call for restrictions on autos , but they fell all over themselves not to identify him as a disturbed young muslem . Now for the muslems on the board i dont think this means you will go " jihad " on america or me . I do think that like Christianity some sects of your religon lead the young astray and take advantage of them . Christian sects have less incidents , of violence , tend to shun rather than glorify them that promote voilince . preach equality for all ect...

Now i think we have many good muslem folk living here who do thier best to live thier religon . Even here in armpit colorado we are blessed with a refugee of the balkins who happens to be muslim . He is a hell of a guy , his wife is a lady , his daughters are fine young ladys . They dress like every one else out here , ( i never asked , but i assume the shorts are the issue ) they do not do sports . they do do computers without restriction . The girls " go out " with local boys ( tho with a not uncommon in this area set of rules and curfew ) IMHO the girls face a rasing of a " good " baptist and much tighter than a catholic . Now i took the time to type this for the simple reason that my Muslim friend Vlad here , came here pre as we now say 911 someday the un may hunt him up ... he both saw and did bad things . for now he and his family are safe , my gps has helped put the piasters on where mecca lies . Now Vlad is no sorta angel , but he is about the same sorta dad i would expect of any Christan, and he had the ability to get himself and his family out of an area where they could expect to be killed for their religon . Personally i have yet to see an orginised religon that i dont have to suspend thought to participate in . So take my post for what it is worth to your value systom .
Fluctuations in the level of violence involving firearms is likethe weather. It can not be predicted, all factors like law enforcement, popular support of the right to bear arms, and economy being the same. Your guess is as good as anyones. But thene again, you could blame global warming and make conclusions based on insufficient information and thus form an irrational theory.
Increased Gun Violence In Recent Weeks

I never quite understood what 'gun violence' is, this would assume a gun is violent? I've written many letters to anti gun/pro socialist politicians regarding this terminology. The phrase 'gun violence' is wording designed to attach emotional feeling towards a gun.
I never quite understood what 'gun violence' is, this would assume a gun is violent? I've written many letters to anti gun/pro socialist politicians regarding this terminology. The phrase 'gun violence' is wording designed to attach emotional feeling towards a gun.
or it's just easier than typing out "violence committed with a firearm"
Regarding the shootings last night at the city council meeting in Kirkwood, MO: a long-time resident had been in trouble with the city over lots of different things from zoning violations to parking trucks used in his construction business at his house. He accumulated many thousands of dollars in fines, and had been arguing with the city for many years. When he got nowhere arguing, and his lawsuit against the city was dismissed, he evidently got more and more ticked off, finally "going to war", as his brother said, and ended up killing 5 people (2 police officers and 3 city officials.) The mayor was also shot, but is surviving so far. The shooter was killed by police very quickly, as the police station is right next to city hall.

It's a sad case for all involved, but these kinds of things just happen.
Redworm, or it's just easier than typing out "violence committed with a firearm"

I understand what someone on a gun forum means and how it's most likely meant. The problem is the general public hears it and attaches emotional meaning to it. Listen to any one of the anti gun public office holders and you'll hear it over and over, words matter.
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why do you think the prison system is one big revolving door, to let them out, commit more crimes, and scare us (well not us but the sheeple) with more of the their feel good laws that do nothing.
I suspect it is the dismal state of mental health in this country combined with the instant fame that they are granted by the media.

As someone who has suffered from and has a family history of mental illness, I have experience with this. Before I was diagnosed and treated I was mentally and emotionally unstable, having problems with school, etc. Even without medication, once you realize what is happening to you and how it is effecting you, it is a great help.

I also suspect that it has something to do with the feminization of the US. Everyone is supposed to keep quiet and get along. Conflict is to be avoided. No-tolerance policies cause people to become disillusioned with authority as both the victim and the aggressor are punished under such policies. (I know I sure became jaded having to put up with this BS.) In high school I came to view the administration as a bunch of idiots who simply did what the book of rules said and didn't think for themselves. There was no point in talking to them since all they did was read the book of rules.

Minor scuffles are treated like hostage situations. Instead of having a scuffle, getting it over with and on with life, they are suspended. Each side blames the other and the situation worsens instead of getting better.

With no way to vent their frustrations and having no confidence in the authorities/administration, their anger grows and grows until they explode.

Let me give an analogy for those of you who have never had to put up with zero-tolerance firsthand.

Imagine if you accidentally cut off someone on the road. All that happens now is a horn honk, the other person flipping you off, and both staring daggers at each other for a second, complain about it at lunch, then getting on with your lives. Instead of that, with a zero-tolerance policy, you both are arrested, fined, and have both of your drivers licenses suspended for 3 days. Would you not rapidly loose respect and confidence in the authorities? Would you not become even more angry at the other person? Instead of getting over your anger, that anger grows and grows until a person snaps.
seasonal trend perhaps

Ever hear of the latest made up disease, Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.)? It's only a few days short of having it's own medications, and it's more useless and fake than the Restless Leg Syndrome that just came out too. Perhaps both of those combined could explain the increase??? :rolleyes:
I suspect it is the dismal state of mental health in this country combined with the instant fame that they are granted by the media.

I agree but it covers many issues and unless we can deal with them we will
lose our freedom concerning guns because lets face it government always
blames an object not the person.

I read that 1/3 of people under 30 use anti-depressants,divorce rate over
50%, close to 50% of our young people drop out of high school. We have
a fast growing population without a common bond in my opinion a dangerous

Some years back in Japan I remarked on how polite everyone was and a local
told me they had to because of so many people in a small space,what I see
now is rudeness at work, on the roads and shopping areas, simply unless we
control ourselves someone will do it for us.

We have many great communication devices now, cell, email, etc but it seems
to me people don't listen to each other, big mistake folks. I certainly don't
know how to change current problems in our society but we cannot dismiss
it as trends or it just happens, because again if you own firearms this issue
is going to reach up and bite you in the future.
or it's just easier than typing out "violence committed with a firearm"

For better or worse, that's what the term "Gun violence" means. Kind of like "Assault Weapon". The current definition might not sync with original meaning but once the Law specifically defines "assault weapon" as rifle with pistol grips etc., you're pissing in the wind saying otherwise.

When we reply "Guns can't be violent" or "guns don't kill people" it makes us gun owners sound like we have our heads in the sand to a real violence problem in our country and makes it easier for anti-gunners to say that we're out of touch and should be marginalized. More violence is committed by gun than by knife or baseball bat. It's a problem.

I don't have the solution but I don't think we should continue to use 1980's rhetoric that didn't get us anything but more gun bans.

Ever hear of the latest made up disease, Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.)? It's only a few days short of having it's own medications, and it's more useless and fake than the Restless Leg Syndrome that just came out too. Perhaps both of those combined could explain the increase???

Probably not much Seasonal Affective Disorder in Nevada.;) Try spending a year in Seattle (100+ consecutive days of rain) and see if it doesn't drive you nuts.

Restless Leg does sound like total BS...
Editorial manipulation of content is plausible.

Random distributions tend to produce clumps. Any isolated increase in frequency of any type of event has relevance only inasmuch as it contributes to an overall trend. The press pays no heed to this truth. To the contrary, they make a living off of ignoring it. As media consumers, we tend to get a false sense of the frequency and/or prevalence of events from their over-reporting of unique events. An increased number of reports of shootings, for example, makes it seem as if the actual number of shootings are large; when, in fact, they are newsworthy precisely because they are unusual.

For activist journalists aware of the effects of this paradox, the implications must be tempting. The journalists I have met have been overwhelmingly anti-gun to the point activism. It would not surprise me in the least to find that at least some of them, maybe more so their editors, are scouring the police blotters for these types of stories so as to foment public outrage in an attempt to effect the SCOTUS decision in DC v. Heller.

[Addendum]BTW, Restless Leg Syndrome, I'm led to understand by a Neurologist who hosts a podcast to which I subscribe, is an actual neurological disorder that predates the TV commercials. It's mechanism apparently takes place in the same part of the brain as does Parkinson's, and the medications now being marketed for it were discovered during research for the latter. According to this podcasting doctor, it can be quite disruptive to the sleep patterns of those who suffer from it. I had previously thought it was BS too, but I guess that popular misconception was born of cynicism/anti-Big Pharma conspiricism. I just thought I'd offer that up so no one needlessly insults a RLS sufferer at a cocktail party.

We now return you to this regularly scheduled topic...
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I really didn't notice. I think that the fact that a good portion of the center of the country has been destroyed by tornadoes might have something to do with it. :(