incidents of road rage

Jack Straw

New member
On the Today show this morning (I'm trying to get my girlfriend to find something else to watch) there was a story of a "road rage" incident in Alabama. Apparently, after being tailgated, a woman got out of her car and walked back to the tailgater's car where she(the woman in front) was shot and killed by the tailgater. I'm sure we did not hear all the details.

This reminded me of similar story that came out after Texas passed their CCW law a few years ago. There was the expected outcry from the antigunners that the law would lead to a "road rage" shooting. Well shortly thereafter there was an incident where one car brushed up against another and one of the guys was shot and killed when he approched the other driver. "I told you so" screamed the antis. However, what the news never reported was that the shooter was first found by a jury to have acted in self-defense, and then won a civil case against the man he shot because he had been beaten so badly as to lose hearing in one ear, lose part of his vision in one eye, had broken bones and cuts.

First of all, can someone out there verify if I am recalling this correctly? I would like to make sure I have the facts straight.

Secondly, we must keep an eye out to make sure the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is reported on the Alabama incident, because we know that any event like this will used to further villify guns and gun-owners and the facts may be inconvenient to the media.
