Incidents at the range.

Last time I was at the range some guy brought his two undisciplined sons, probably 11 or 12 year olds, and proceeded to let them essentially 'play' while they shot. They were going on about shooting 'gangsta style' and nonsense like that while rapid firing (prohibited) as fast as they could empty the mag downrange with their 22 pistols. I looked over and noticed one was holding the gun in such a way the muzzle was pointed towards the shooters to their left (I was to the right). I gave the guy an earful and he just shrugged it off like I was being silly. Went in and complained to the manager and drove off before seeing what may, or may not, have happened. Was so mad I figured I had just better leave. Getting all up in someone's face at a shooting range can be a bad idea but something has to be done nonetheless. Dumb kids. Dumber parent. Morons like that actually do deserve to lose their guns. :mad:
There was suicide at the range I sometimes belong to (and still visit frequently). A guy came in, rented a gun for use on the range, went to the firing line and killed himself, intentionally. I have no information on caliber or weapon type (handgun).
One time I was at the range when an older guy was there.
I was showing him my gun. I pointed it about 45 degrees in his direction as I locked the slide back to show him that it was not loaded. He quickly barked, "Downrange! Point it downrange!" Another guy showed up and eventually handed his 1911 to the old guy. It wasnt long before I noticed him pointing it directly at me. I wish I had barked, "Downrange stupid!"

Another time I was there I decided to shoot my CZ52 through a rifle muffler.
I have shot it without hearing protection before just so that I would know what to expect if I ever used it in an emergency. I wasnt wearing hearing protection because I thought it would be quieter throught the muffler. I swear that I could feel the concussion hitting one side of my face after I pulled the trigger. My ear rang for hours.

Yet another time I was at the range my sister was shooting at a milk jug.
When we were done I realized that the bullets were not in the ground. At least it didnt look like they were in the ground. I think they bounced. I hope they didnt damage any property.

I am still a newbe.
You ever do anything stupid at the range?
To answer the question asked by GaryG, the suicide took place at Gilbert's in Newington/Lorton. It was in the papers at the time, though I don't recall how recent. It might have been a year ago and it might have been four or five years ago. There is something in the back of my mind that something similar happened at a different range (perhaps Blue Ridge) even earlier. Not counting the NRA range, I only know of one other indoor range (in Woodbridge). I think the one in Annandale, next door to where Dawson's used to be before it moved Woodbridge, finally closed.

Another incident that I saw at Gilbert's one day when I was there was a small fire that started down at the end of the range, where the backstop is. Don't know what started it. Either a real hot load or maybe incindiary bullets (just kidding).
Any stories involving yourself? Dont tell me that I am the only one that has done stupid stuff at the range.
There was suicide at the range I sometimes belong to (and still visit frequently). A guy came in, rented a gun for use on the range, went to the firing line and killed himself, intentionally. I have no information on caliber or weapon type (handgun).

We had one of those here about 2 years ago as well. Guy walks into a range, rents a 1911A1, Goes out on lane 3 drops one in the pipe, fire 3 down range, and one up the chin. I tried shooting there once after that, but for some reason I was just to jumpy to use the pistol range. I still use the 100 yard rifle side. There also happens to be a glass right in front of the pistol side where the rental guys could watch the whole thing happen. The guy that rented it to him was shook up for awhile after that. I would be too.
Back in the 80's, I missed a qualification due to a lay-off and had to re-qualify with the local tech school's academy. These were mostly guys from smaller or 1-man depts. Most of 'em were OK, but there was one dufus that made Barney Fife look like Jeff Cooper. He had borrowed a huge hog leg somewhere, and we were firing from the 15 yd line, 12 rounds, double action, in 20 seconds (revolvers). Dufus was shooting single action when the range officer yelled "I said double action". Dufus turned with a cocked pistol, pointed it straight at the range officer and said "What'd ya say?" The range officer was a pretty big guy (and the chief of a neighboring city dept.), but he moved faster than I thought possible and kicked a 20 yd. field goal with the guy's backside. :eek: He literally kicked him so hard he went flat on his face. :D I went back to the car and put on my vest.

Not to be gory here guys, but I've been on a number of shootings to the head, self inflicted and otherwise, and I have yet to see one where death was instantaneous. I can think of 3 right off where the victim died right in front of me, and they were all in agonizing pain and throwing up. Suicide by one in the mouth is NOT the easy way out.
I was on a military marksmanship training team. We were taksed with going to Ft. Sam Houston to teach a class of Docotrs and RNs who had gotten direct commisions and were at the course where they teach you how to wear the uniform and tie your bootlaces. Our mission was to familiarize them with standard military pistol and rifle so if any troops came in wounded they would be able to unload the weapon and make it safe.

I hate it when you are teaching a petite RN and she turns around with the weapon from the designated downrange area and starts talking while waving the pistol around at you...:eek:

The next day the were scheduled for a trip to the pistol and rifle range for some familiarization rounds..

The Ft. Sam Crew running the range asked me if I would like to go....

Was at the Firing Line in Burbank when this latino gangster looking guy comes in with his Girlfriend. He rented a Glock and was showing off to his GF shooting the gun sideways and rapid firing, coming no where near the target 7 yards away. Next he gives the gun to his GF and and stands behind her. She grips the pistol and with her off hand thumb crossing the back of the gun. He is gripping the gun with her when she fires. She screams when the slide takes off a piece of her thumb. A minor scratch, thank goodness. He continues firing and I look over at him and he is pointing the gun right at me as he is retrieving the target. I immediately yell, "HEY!!! Your pointing right at me!!!!" He of course says, "Dont worry, it is not loaded." I pack up and leave.

It is worrisome when someone who knows nothing about guns is teaching a newbie how to shoot. Pisses me off still, because I am sure he still thinks he did nothing wrong.
Thats quite a story.
Ill probably try some explosive targets at the range someday soon.
Im sure Ill have another story to tell. :D
SC public range

My wife, sons (17 & 15), father, 2 brothers-in-law, and several nephews (13-16 years old) went out to a DNR rifle range to give my wife a taste of shooting, shoot for bragging rights, and allow my nephew to shoot / sight-in his new .270. When we got there we were moved to the 2 far end tables. The only others shooters were in the first slot. My father went over to them as we were setting up and arrainged to be the range officer, he had plenty of experience and a willingness to do it. Everything was going fine even after 2-3 more shooters/groups showed up and they too didn't mind letting my dad take the responsibility. It was a thanksgiving friday and everybody there seemed to be experienced or willing to follow directions and enjoying checking out what everybody else was shooting. Then comes these couple of kids that didn't even look 20 years old, with a rifle a handgun and a lot of attitude. They took the last table which was next to ours and started setting ammo and targets on the table, cursing loudly with every sentence. We weren't the only ones there with kids and so when my father went over to let them know he had been acting range officer he also asked them to tune it down some. Quick note my dad grew up boxing golden gloves in chicago, was 28 years in the navy (enlisted then commissioned) and was then a high school teacher. They didn't seem to care about anything he said and told him they would say whatever they f'ing wanted to. They actually did lower their voices though. Pretty soon dad called a cease fire and to empty and ground all weapons. When all was clear he called that out and we all started to replace targets. The troublemakers put theirs out and quickly were back at the bench. Everybody was shocked when we heard my fathers best command voice echo across the range telling the jerks to put down the guns and step back. They were starting to load them with most of us downrange still. They were starting to argue back they could do whatever they wanted when they realised everyone place was all of a sudden watching them very closely. They quickly realised they weren't in the best of situations and started putting their stuff away and were escorted to the parking lot. Most of the rest of started putting our stuff away too thinking it might be a good time to leave. There was one guy there that said he had call the cops with the license plate since he had seen beer cans in their car.
firing range

Two friends of mine was at an indoor range when one of them taped an exploding target to the back of the other target when the other shooter went for more ammo. So when he gets back he loads up his magazine take aim and hit it dead center of bulls eye. Never does he hit the bulls eye. Well the exploding target was defective and had too much explosive in it It sounded like a cannon going off. It lights up the whole showroom cuts the target in half both halves are on fire The shooter looks at the gun then at his crotch (to see if he wet himself) drops the pistol on the bench and yells out DON't USE THE AMMO! lol
What is the best exploding target that can be found at walmart?
I know its off topic but it might not be later.
Or should I pull a few rounds open and use the powder?