Incensed at anti-libertarianism

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Here is a great page:

Here is a favorite:

"That the New England Journal of Medicine is filled with expert advice about guns, just like Guns and Ammo has some excellent treatises on heart surgery."

Great, until you get to this:

"That it is reasonable to jail people for carrying but not using guns, but outrageous to jail people for possessing marijuana."

What? How can someone have such great arguments, and then give this junk.
The more I read your posts, the more I'm reminded of a kid who just got his hands on a truckload of big words and adult concepts but doesn't have the breadth of experience to apply either one correctly.

That was a decent satirical piece, and you seem to have missed the point.
To pickpocket:

Do you know how many times I've been called a kid? Whatever all those people have, it is nowhere near originality. Perhaps making statements about the author instead of the argument is the hallmark of being an adult. In that case, I sure am a kid.

If you read the page, it is clear that this one statement is completely off base from the rest.

Also, you have a sentence that is bordering on being run-on.
The more I read your posts, the more I'm reminded of a kid who just got his hands on a truckload of big words and adult concepts but doesn't have the breadth of experience to apply either one correctly.

That was a decent satirical piece, and you seem to have missed the point.
User14, ever wonder why everyone repeatedly thinks you're a kid? I mean, really take a break during recess or between classes and think about it?

"That boy ain't right" - Hank Hill
You have to realize something. I will turn on anyone VERY fast. I will go personal in much less than a second. You may have an issue with my lexical, syntactic, or semantic grammar. In that case, notify me. You may have an issue with my argument. In that case, argue against the argument. If you argue against me, be prepared for me to respond in kind.
Thread closed.

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1) All Topics and Posts must be related to firearms, accessories or civil liberties issues. Multiple Registrations Prohibited.
2) Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here.
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4) Mangling of the English language whether thru ignorance, age, sloth or intent diminishes and embarrasses each of us. Posts which are indecipherable due to inability to translate thoughts into coherent written statements will be deleted without explanation. Recidivists will be removed.
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